Chapter 78: Reunited

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{3rd person POV}

"Ngh..." Oikawa groans and slowly opens his eyes.

A gasp could be heard, triggered the others inside the room.

"He's awake! He's awake!" They exclaim.

Oikawa blinks a few times until his vision is clear and turns his head to his side.

He was met with Irina who's looking at him, relief.

While the males started surrounding his bed.

"W-What happened?.." Oikawa asked, shakily push his body up.

"Hey, just lay down... You passed out due to your high blood pressure that caused from your panic attack earlier... You need to rest..." Karasuma exclaim, pushing Oikawa back.

Oikawa let out a weak deep breath and closes his eyes.

Soon, the door slides opened, caught the their attention.

They all turns at the source and was met with Akashi, who's stepping inside.

"Seijurou? What are you doing here? I thought you were with Damian" Karasuma asked.

"Damian's with (F/N) at the airport right now... I'm here to see how's he doi-"

"She's at where?... T-The Airport?.." Oikawa asked, narrowing his eyes.

Akashi was taken back for moment.


"W-What is she... doing at the airport?.. Where is s-she going?..." Oikawa asked again.

"Tooru... You.. don't know?" Irina asked.

"Know what? W-What am I missing?..."

"Sweetie... (F/N) accepted the US's Armed Force offer for her to take over their lieutenant spot for 5 years... And today's her flight..." She asked.

This had Oikawa widen his eyes in pure shock.

"N-No.. It can't be... There n-no way..." he cooed.

He then force his body to sits up, startled the adults.

"Tooru- Hey-"

"I-I need to get there! I have to apologize to her!" He exclaim and rushes out of bed.

"Tooru! Wait! Your leg is still we-"


"KYA! Tooru!!" Irina squecks.

Oikawa groans when his body met with the cold floor.

This triggered both Karasuma and Iwaizumi as they immediately crouch down.

"Tooru! You still need rest!" Karasuma exclaim, supporting Oikawa who's trying his best to push his body up.

"I-I.. can't... I-I have to get t-to (N/N)-Chan!" He exclaim, still trying to push his body up.

"For god sake, Oikawa! Stop being stubborn and listen to what Tadaomi-san's saying!" Iwaizumi scold.

But Oikawa ignore him and continue forcing his body upwards.

He then tried to move, only for him to fall again.


"Your legs are still numb... You can't walk yet..." Karasuma exclaim, watching Oikawa pants with his teeth gritted in anger.

He cleanches his fist and his body started to shake.

"N-No... This c-can't be real..." he exclaim, head looking down.

"Tooru..." Karasuma call out.

"W-Why?... Why does she needs to go so soon?... W-Why does she has to make our goodbye like this?... Why?..." Oikawa exclaim, tears started to drip on the floor.

"I-I still haven't a-apologize to her... I-I missed her h-hold... her voice... I didn't even get t-the chance to meet her after s-she left..." he cried.

Both Karasuma and Iwaizumi just watches him in pity.

"(N-N/N)-Chan... My love... I-I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, sweetpie.... Please don't l-leave me here all alone... I-I needed you... Y-You don't know how devastated am I when you're n-not here with me..." Oikawa cried.

"I-I just... I just... I j-just wanted to see you again, (N-N/N)-Chan... E-Even for a second, I-I'll be the happiest guy in t-the world.. I know y-you hate me r-right now but... I-I'm desparated... Desparated for your love... I'm sorry..." he exclaim and cries harder.

Suddenly, the door slides opened causing a light slam.

This caught the other's attention as they look up at the source, except Oikawa.

A shadow then towering him, making him gasps.

He slowly looks up and had his eyes widen.

"N-No way...." he cooed in disbelief when he was met with a short haired raven standing at his ward entrance, eyes drifting away while holding a bouquet of roses in their grip.

It took Oikawa a moment for him to noticed.


He's right.

It's (F/N) who's standing right infront of him.

"(N-N/N)-Chan?... I-Is that you?... Y-You l-look different..." Oikawa cooed.

(F/N) sighs quietly and shift her gaze at Oikawa.

She bit her bottom lip and walks inside slowly.

With that, both Iwaizumi and Karasuma let go of Oikawa as they stood at the side to give the lovers some space.

(F/N) stops her tracks right infront of Oikawa and stares at him.

"(N-N/N)-Chan..." he called, tears started to form again.

(F/N) had her lips twitches as she was holding herself from crying.

She let out a hiccup and falls on her knees.

"(N/N)-Chan... Hey..." Oikawa called again as he watches her cries.

"I-I'm *hic* sorry! I'm so *hic* sorry! I-I thought t-this was *hic* a g-great idea for me t-to make m-myself forget about you but *hic* I just can't r-resist on l-losing you, Tooru! I-I'm *hic* so sorry!" She apologized out loud, tears wet her cheeks with her fist cleanches.

Oikawa who already had his tears slides his cheeks, bit his bottom lip and immediately pulls her into a tight hug.

"I-It's okay... It's *hic* okay... E-Everything's fine... I-I forgive *hic* you, alright? I forgive y-you with all m-my *hic* heart..." Oikawa whispered, stroking her raven hair.

(F/N) just cries continuously on his shoulder, apologizing none stop.

Irina had her arms wrapped around Karasuma's arm while watching them bounding.

Iwaizumi smiles while Akashi shakes his head at (F/N)'s action.

Iqram was asleep on Iqbal's lap at the couch as the blondie watches them in relief.

"I'm so glad they reunited again..." Irina whispered.

Karasuma let out a sigh and push her head on his shoulder.

"I'm glad too"



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