Chapter 34: Headache

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{3rd person POV}

A week later

"Mmm..." Oikawa groans when he felt something bright shines onto his face.

He slowly open up his eyes and rubs it after.

He then yawns and sits up, hands still rubbing his eye.

"Oh, you're awake... Good morning, hubby" (F/N) greeted as she step out from the bathroom.

"Mornin' to you too..." Oikawa greeted back and stretches his arms.

"How are you feeling? Dizzy again?" She asked as she makes her way near Oikawa.

"A little... But it's alright comparing with the first day..." Oikawa muttered.

(F/N) sighs and kiss him.

They pull away as (F/N) increase Oikawa's cheek.

"We'll go see a doctor today, kay?"

Oikawa nods in reply as he leans onto (F/N)'s touch like a cat.

She chuckles and ruffles his hair.

"I've made chicken soup and onigiri for breakfast... I'll bring them in here while you get ready, kay? The doctor's gonna be here soon" (F/N) exclaim as Oikawa obeys.

Not so long after, the doorbell rang.

Damian and Iqram who was having their breakfast, turns their heads at the door.

"A guest?" Iqram asked.

Damian shrugs his shoulder and stood up from his seat.

He then makes his way to the door and opens it.

"Good morning... I'm here for Jelavić-sama's appointment..." a guy in a coat greeted as he bows.

"Ah, it's (F/N)'s personal doctor... Please come inside, sir" Damian exclaim as the guy obeys.

As soon he took off his shoes, Damian spoke.

"The pairs are inside the room down the hallway... Beside the storage room" Damian exclaim, pointing at the direction.

The guys bows his head and makes his way to their bedroom.

(F/N) who was feeding Oikawa the last bite, was interrupted when the door got knock.

"Excuse me, Jelavić-sama... Sorry to interrupt but may I come in?" The guy asked.

"Ah, one sec!" (F/N) yell out and clean up a little.

As ths guy was waiting, the door suddenly opened.

"Come in..." (F/N) exclaim as she opend the door wider.

The guys bows his head and step inside.

"Oikawa Tooru isn't it?" The doctor asked while putting his bag on the bed.

"That's me..."

"So I got the report from Jelavić-sama that you have a headache?"

"Yes, sir..."

"Alright... First things first, let me have a small check up on you..." the doctor exclaim as he plug in his stethoscope and checks Oikawa's health.

(F/N) sighs in worry and cross her arms as she leans on the wall infront the bed.

'It's been a week since he had this horrible headache... He even passed out during class 3 days ago... What could had happend to him?..." (F/N) thought in concern, watching her personal doctor checks him.

"Okay... You seemed healthy... Now can you tell where it aches the most?" The doctor asked.

"Um.. Etto... I guess it was around this area..." Oikawa reply, pointing at a spot on his head.

The doctor nods and place his hands on the spot.

"I'm gonna press it... If it's hurt, don't be afraid to scream or yelp alright?"

Oikawa bit his bottom lip and nods.

As the doctor press his finger, Oikawa yelps in pain loudly as he jolts in shock.


"Hmm... What if I rub it a bit?" The doctor asked as he started to rub the area.

Oikawa waits for a moment to feel the pain but it never came.

"Any pain, sir?"

"No... Not at all..." Oikawa reply, shaking his head.

"Did you happened to bumped your head anywhere?"


"Hm... Have you been stressed this past week?"

"A little..."

"I have informed that you suffered from panic attacks and trauma... Have you got into any of those lately?"

"Almost but I manage to calm myself down..."

"Hm..." the doctor hums as he stood up straight, finger on the chin.

"What is it, doc?" (F/N) asked as she walks beside the doctor.

"I believe Oikawa-san has a abuse trauma right?" he exclaim, examinating Oikawa's body up and down.



"Yes sir?"

"I'm sorry to ask you this but have you got your head hit by something when you're in an abuse back then?"

Oikawa was taken back a little, afraid that it'll remind him about the hitting.

But even he does not want to, he needs to tell the doctor in order to get rid of his terrible headache.

"I-I don't think so... They just throw me on the floor and p-pull my hair... I did get a cut on the forehead..."

"Is that all?"

Oikawa nods.

"I think it's the effect of his past abused trauma that came back... I'll give Oikawa-san some painkillers that might work... You may call me again if the headache gets worse..." The doctor exclaim as he pull out a pack of the pill and hand it to (F/N).

"Alright... Thank you, Doc..." (F/N) thanked as the doctor excuses himself.

As she was watching him walk out, a whimper interrupted.

She snapped out of her thoughts and looks at the source.

She was met with Oikawa who was gripping onto the bedsheets as his eyes were shut tightly.

"Tooru?" She called as she makes her way to him.

She puts the painkillers on the night stand and sits beside him.

"Hey... Hey... You okay? Is the headache coming back?" She asked, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"N-No... I-I just got a s-sudden flashback about mother and Y-Yumi..." Oikawa exclaim, looking down while his hands grip the bedsheet tighter.

(F/N) just look at him worriedly and pulls his head down to her lap.

"It's gonna be okay, Tooru... They're in jail right now and far from here... You're safe with me okay?" (F/N) comfort while stroking his hair.

"I feel so u-uncomfortable telling him a-about it earlier, hunny..." Oikawa reply, snuzzles his cheek on (F/N)'s lap.

"I know, sugarplum... But you have to so the doctor can know the possibilities..." (F/N) exclaim.

Oikawa didn't reply and just stares at the floor.

(F/N) chuckles and move Oikawa's face facing her.

She bends down and kiss him.

After they pull away, (F/N) increase Oikawa's cheek with her thumb.

"We'll get rid of that headache of yours okay? Just hang on for a little more..." (F/N) exclaim, placing a kiss on Oikawa's scar.

Oikawa stares at her in awwed and just laid there with his eyes shut.

"Can I sleep a little more, hunny?..."

"Go ahaead... You need rest by the way.."

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