Chapter 61: Threats

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{3rd person POV}

"Ah, Jelavić-sama! Welcome back... How are you feeling?" Mira greeted as soon (F/N) reach inside.

"Thanks... I'm feeling better..."

"Damian's not with you?"

"He will arrive in any minute, he drop me off to send Iqram to school and get my outfit from the sailor shop near the here"

Mira smiles and handed her a file.

"Rakuzan's Chairman are expecting your arrival at 2 pm for a speech.... and they ask me to give this to you" Mira exclaim.

(F/N) took it and flip each pages.

'This is my chance to see how's Iqram keeping up with school...' she thought.

"Rakuzan huh? Alright... Thanks for telling me, Mira... Come to my office before 1:30 okay?"

"Roger that"

(F/N) beamed at her and walk off.

Soon, the glass dood slide open, revealing a familiar tall raven guy walking inside in his tux while holding a paper bag on his forearm.

Mira who's tapping her laptop, look up.

"Ah, Damian... Jelavić-sama's in her office if you're looking for her"

"I know... Thank you.." Damian spoke then walk off.

He suddenly froze and rewind his step back infront of the counter.

"Hey, Mira... May I ask you something?" Damian asked, arm resting on the counter.

Mira tilted her head.

"What is it?"

"Do you... know that Oikawa got a teddy?"

"A teddy? Oh! You mean the alien one? Yeah.. What about it?"

"When did he got it? How?"

"Um... About 3 months ago? He got it by Kira-san as a present... Why?"

'So I was right....' Damian thought.

"Is she here? Kira-san I mean"

"Uh yeah? It's her shift right now so she's probably by her desk or getting breakfast from the cafet- Oof!-" Mira yelps as soon she got shoved by a paperbag.

"Bring this to (F/N) for me... I need to meet her real quick" Damian exclaim and runs off.

Mira watches him leave while blinking her eyes.

"You know what... I take back what I said about him being a gentleman" she exclaim with a dumbfounded face.

Damian on the otherhand was waiting for the elevator to go up with the other co-workers inside as he stood at the corner.

Whispering could be heard by the small crowd.

"Hey, isn't that the CEO's bodyguard?"

"You bet he is... I never thought he would be this tall and handsome up close..."

"Jelavić-sama is so lucky"

"I wish I met someone as cool as him"

Damian did hear them cleary but he decided to paid no mind.

As soon the elevator were empty, it's finally goes to Damian's level.

"4 more levels and-"

Just before he could press the close button, a certain person walks in with their phone in their grip, a brown paperbag on their other grip.

The person turns around, eyes still on the phone.

As the elevator doors shut, it started to go up.

The person sighs.

"Work... Work... It's so exhausting... Well.. At least it's worth doing it... I mean, I did get to be close with Oikawa-kun~ Oh yeah, I haven't press my level" they spoke and intend to press  the level button but stops when they saw it already did.

"Oh? You're going there as well?-" the person immediately had their sentence cut off when a pair of dark brown eyes stares onto theirs.

"It's a coincidence meeting you here, Kira... I was about to look for you but you seemed to make my job easier" Damian spoke.

Reena just stood there frozen with her pale face.

She turns away quickly and hugs the paperbag to her chest.

'W-What is that bitch's bodyguard doing here?! Crap! I-I need to get out of here! Calm down, Reena... Calm down... Only 1 level left and just run off!' She thought for herself.

As they was about to arrive at their choosen level, Damian press a stop button as the elevator stops.

Reena gasped in realization, there's no escape for her.

Damian sighs and turns to Reena as she flinches.

She started to breath heavily as she back up until her back was bumped onto the elevator walls while Damian slowly makes his way to her.

"W-What do you- EEK!" Reena squecks as soon a hand come slamming beside her head.

"Tell me... What did you put inside the teddy bear you give to Oikawa?..." Damian asked, eyes glares down at Reena.

Reena had her eyes widen in fear as her body started to shake.

"W-W-What are you t-talking about?" She stuttered.

"Don't try to act innocent... I know you're behind all of this... I know you're the one who give Oikawa that teddy bear... Now tell me... What. Did. You. Put. Inside. That. Fucking. Teddy?..." Damian demanded.

"M-Me? I-I didn't do anything! I-I were just b-being nice to him, t-that's all!-"

"I'll give you one last fucking chance... Another lie, I won't hesistate..." Damian stops talking and pull out a gun from his belt pocket as he pointed it at Reena's forehead.

"To pull the trigger directly to your fucking brain" he spat.

Tears then started to flood Reena's eyes.

"I'm gonna ask again... What did you put-"

"O-Okay! Okay! I-It was me! It was me the whole time! I-I'm the one who send those packages to him those first month! I-I'm the one who planted those witchcrafts a-against him and Jelavić-sama!" She admitted out loud.

"And why?"

"B-Because I wanted him! I wanted Oikawa Tooru! I want him to be m-mine! I was a-always got bullied and teased by my old c-colluages! He's t-the only person who's been kind to me! T-That's why I wanted him all for me only!" Reena yell out.

Damian stares down at her the pull his arm off, following with the gun.

"Very well then... Thank you for cooperating with me... Before I let you go off, I wanted to warn you about something..."

Reena who's busy breathing, look up at him with her bangs covering her eyes.

"Leave (F/N) and Oikawa the fuck alone... They've been through a lot... especially Oikawa... It'll be worst if (F/N) fully lost her trust for Oikawa although it's not the real him who commit it.... So, make sure I never want to find you again, Kira" he spat and walks out as the elevator doors opens.

Reena pants while looking down as she leans on the elevator wall.

She started to gritted her teeth and grip onto the paperbag she's hugging.

'Jelavić (F/N)... I'll make sure... I'll make sure you loses Oikawa-kun's trust... I don't care if it's gonna be risky... I'll do anything... anything... to make Oikawa-kun... fucking mine...' she thought, eyes glaring down at the shiny floor.

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