Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

    In the twelfth lunar month of winter, just after You Hour, the sky has already darkened.

    In the Duke's Mansion, the maids are lighting up lamps and hanging all over the corridors.

    A gust of wind blew open the originally tight windows, and the wind rolled snow and ice into the house.

    Xu Nian suddenly woke up from the dream.

    The surroundings are warm, the whole body is soft, and there is no pain.

    The maid, Liantang, pushed the door open and entered, her brows were frowned by the wind, and she hurriedly stepped forward to close the window again, before she could be confused, she turned around and saw her young lady looking at her in confusion.

    "Second Miss, you're finally awake..."

    Lian Tang was overjoyed, and quickly went to touch her forehead.

    "Liantang?" Xu Nian's voice was soft and weak, and the words rolled down his throat, making him extremely hoarse.

    She remembered that after the disaster of the Duke's Mansion, Liantang couldn't stand the humiliation and committed suicide in the cold winter of the 32nd year of Qishun.

    All the corpses were collected by her own hands.

    Hearing her voice, Lian Tang cried even more fiercely, raised his sleeves and wiped away his tears: "Miss fell into the frozen lake and caught the wind and cold, the duke and madam went to find a famous doctor for you, just after returning home, this servant will go Call them."

    She turned too hastily and staggered a bit.

    There was only the sound of charcoal burning in the room, Xu Nian opened his eyes and watched for a while.

    She has been groggy for the past few days, and her consciousness is also floating. Occasionally, when she wakes up, she only thinks that she is having a beautiful dream.

    Who would have thought that she was really reborn until she was sixteen years old.

    At that time, my father and mother were still by my side, and my sister went south to strictly guard Zhijiaguan. The most important thing is that she did not marry King Yu, let alone commit herself to Qi Chu for her life.

    Suddenly a drop of clear tear fell from the corner of her eye, and she felt very sad.

    Nothing happened, there is a family who loves her, there is a sister who supports her, her grandfather is still alive, the Duke's Mansion has not been framed for treason, and the Xu family is still an unshakable existence.

    There was the sound of pushing the door, and the voice was so familiar and reliable.

    Xu Nian ran barefoot and hugged the visitor tightly, "Daddy, my daughter misses you so much."

    She had imagined countless times that she could see them again, and told them all her grievances. No matter how difficult it is, there will always be someone behind you.

    Xu's mother has not stopped crying these days, the little body in her arms is thin and fragile, and she has lost a lot of weight in bed these days.

    She was very distressed: "Is my daughter having nightmares again? Don't worry, Auntie will find justice for you about the

    Chen family boy pushing you into the water." The sisters and brothers of the Chen family united and pushed it into the lake. It was burned for three days, and the elder sisters who were far away in Zhijia Pass were alarmed.

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