Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

    Xu Nian hesitated for a moment before getting into the car on the second day, and looked around, his frowning brows could not be opened.

    The carriage leisurely left the city and headed towards Yandu.

    Xiao Lin peeled off a tangerine and handed her half of it: "I've been thinking about you since I saw you this morning. What are you thinking about?"

    Xu Nian was a little confused, unable to taste whether it was sweet or not, "Sister went out last night, she I only told me, but I didn’t tell my family, I’m thinking about how to explain to my parents when I go back

    later.” “This, you pretend you don’t know, just let it go, what’s there to be entangled with?” Xiao Lin said.

    Xu Nian lowered her eyes and was still worried. She realized something last night. She knew that her elder sister from the previous life would come back well, but she didn't know about Lu Zhi.

    She could foresee what happened to everyone, but he was the only one who jumped out of her range of cognition.

    She was suddenly a little troubled, he was always injured, and in the past six months, he was either injured or poisoned, and she did not hesitate to die.

    Xu Nian raised his eyes, and was just about to lift the curtain to see where he was, when the carriage shook violently, as if it hit something and stopped.

    The curtain was blown up by the wind, and there was a sound of □□ piercing the sky, Xu Nian hurriedly pulled Xiao Lin to lower her head to hide for a while, leaving a sharp arrow on the car wall, right where they were just now.

    "What's the situation?" Xiao Lin was stunned.

    Someone outside reported: "The big thing is not good, it seems to be an assassin...!"

    As the voice fell, the sound of violent fighting suddenly came from outside, and when the curtain was lifted, the person with the knife came into sight, and the person in charge had evil spirits in his eyes. , seemed to see Xu Nian at a glance, and said: "Your sister ruined our good deed, since we can't complete the task, I will use you to teach Xu Sijiang a lesson."


    Nian didn't know how he escaped , Under extreme nervousness and panic, there was only one voice in her heart telling her, can't stop! Can't go back!

    The vegetation was lush in the woods, scratching his clothes, tripping his feet, Xu Nian stumbled up, ignoring the pain on his body, he could only continue running forward.

    After listening to her words, sister changed the road temporarily. She must have really missed the person who was ambushing on the road in advance. Now this person wants to pull her back. There is only one possibility, and that is that sister has gained something this time and broke them. It was because of her plan that they turned into anger and turned to her.

    I don't know how Xiao Lin is doing now.

    Xu Nian couldn't run anymore, she was out of breath, and all her strength was spent on running, the hem of her skirt was scratched and tattered, it caught on the dead branches next to her, her steps were caught, her body was out of control fell forward.

    She stretched out her hand and pestered it, only to feel the palm of her hand being rubbed against the sand and the pain was burning. The footsteps behind her were getting closer and closer. Xu Niansao saw a bush half a person's height nearby, shrank her body and hid behind it .

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