Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

    Something flashed in Qi Chu's dark pupils, he said: "Miss, have     you forgotten, I am not a good person." Yes, the road to go is destined to be piled up with blood and bones.

    He was born from evil, went to evil, and never turned back.

    Xu Nian raised his face and almost blurted out: "But you are still different from him."

    In other words, the current Qi Chu is also different from the tyrant in his previous life.

    Because of these differences, she wavered and hesitated so much that she didn't know what to do.

    Qi Chu looked into a pair of clear and bright eyes, which were burning, serious and stubborn.

    The mountain peaks in the distance are washed greener by the rain, and there is a hazy mist covering them. The breeze in the mountains and forests makes people feel greedy.

    He smiled, didn't ask her why, and handed the umbrella back to her, "Miss, it's time to go back." The

    rustling wind blew the leaves, and the surroundings were as quiet as if there was no one around. Qi Chu raised his eyes, feeling cold His eyes suddenly turned to a certain place, and after a slight concentration, he immediately returned to normal.

    It was as if he hadn't noticed anything from the beginning to the end.

    Xu Nian didn't move.

    Qi Chu took one last look at her, and when he turned to leave, he said: "If Miss continues to stay with me, those who want to kill me will probably not let Miss go, and Miss will not have a peaceful life by then." "

    "What about you?" Xu Nian asked.

    The boy had already walked into the small path next to him, and upon hearing that, he stopped in his tracks.

    With his back turned to her, his voice was so soft that no emotion could be heard, "Go and kill those who want to kill me."

    Xu Nian could only watch him walk out of his sight step by step, the drizzle wet the boy's hair , The resolutely going figure is like an ink painting that will disappear in the rain at any time.

    She should be afraid of him, but at this moment, she couldn't help but took a few steps in his direction, trying to call him to stop.

    It's ridiculous.

    But when she chased after her, she couldn't find anyone there.

    The sense of disappointment in her heart lingered in her heart for a long time, making her feel stuffy and uncomfortable.

    In the dark, Wei Ze leaned slightly sideways, looked at the back of the girl who was walking away, and frowned slightly.

    Xu Nian seemed to have a sense of it, and called him: "Wei Ze, don't follow me, go find him."

    "I can handle many things by myself, and I don't need you. Besides, I have my family's guards, and there is no shortage of manpower ." .”

    Following her like this is probably a waste.

    Wei Ze just pretended that he didn't hear her, and followed her from a distance of not too far. He watched her walk into the bustling market, and with his sharp side eyes, he noticed that someone was following them.

    In the suburbs outside Yandu City, Qi Chu suddenly stopped in his tracks, his cold eyes gradually darkening, "You guys have followed here from Pituo Temple, aren't you going to come out to meet me?"

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