Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

    If she had known that it was an oolong, she would not have made up those words just now.

    But the words have already been uttered, wouldn't it be obvious to overthrow what he said just now in a panic.

    Xu Nian moved his eyes, thought for a while, and said firmly, "It's him anyway."

    Zang Mi didn't understand, and asked in confusion, "Who?"

    Qi Chu looked sideways, and asked him calmly, "I've finished reading the book." Is it?"

    Zang Mi met his threatening gaze, shook his head in denial without any hesitation, restrained his curiosity, turned around in a panic and took a step first.

    The look in his eyes was about to kill, maybe he didn't guess that it was something he did as a bad bastard to the extreme.

    Now let him go, is he going to threaten or kill him.

    Miss is so pitiful, I still don't know his true face, Zang Mi felt a little sorry, but he didn't dare to stop, and waited until he was out of his sight, then turned his head and looked into the room bitterly.

    Xu Nian shrunk down into the quilt, leaving only a pair of eyes to look at him, "Why don't you believe what I said?"

    She thought she was right, but he didn't seem to believe it just now.

    Could it be that now that he still believes in Qi Chu after all, he is skeptical of what she said, so he doesn't believe it?

    Xu Nian thought silently in his heart: No wonder you lost in the previous life. After all, you still know little about the dangers of the human heart.

    Qi Chu watched her eyes moving, thinking carefully, and sometimes frowned, not knowing what she was thinking.

    He said: "Miss, you are too strange."

    He used to think she was strange, but he just wondered what was so strange in his heart. This was the first time he asked her, and he didn't have any hope of finding an answer.

    "You're weird." Xu Nian stared at him suspiciously for a moment, "What I said just now was for my parents to hear, and they all believed it. Why do you suspect that I'm not telling the truth."

    Fortunately, there really isn't a child, otherwise he would really reveal his secrets by asking him.

    Anyway, it's been said, there is no turning back for what she said, as long as she doesn't let go, it will be true.

    Besides, it wasn't fake, Qi Chu's actions were no less serious than that, only more excessive, and she said it was euphemistic.

    Qi Chu suddenly smiled, but did not answer her directly, "Lu Zhi just felt that Miss was too trusting to others, and was afraid that Miss would be deceived, so he asked a few more times."

    He said calmly, just now he could Not so easy to talk about.

    Xu Nian thought to himself, if you want to say that you are credulous, you are the most credulous in people. She has said so much, if you don't believe half of it, forget it, and suspect that she is lying.

    It seems that you still believe that you have more blood relatives after all.

    "Anyway, he is the one who bullies me, whether you believe it or not, you have promised me that you will kill him for me," Xu Nian said solemnly, "He is not a good person, and he is the one I hate the most. "     Qi

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