Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

    By the time the pattering rain stopped in Yandu City, it was almost the winter solstice.

    It was almost at this time in her previous life, her family was ruined and she had nothing left.

    But now, the heat on the dinner table is hazy.

    Xu Nian brought some food for Sister, and asked in a low voice, "I see that Sister has been too busy to see anyone, is there anything wrong?"

    She heard from her father that the hidden piles hidden on the side of her house were cleaned up. Almost there.

    Thinking about it, this catastrophe is over for the time being.

    Xu Sijiang picked up the wine glass and touched her, and said cheerfully: "Don't worry, it's fine."

    "But thanks to Ah Nian's reminder, a few gaps that are easy for people to take advantage of have been filled. It's nothing serious now. Question."

    Xu Nian finally breathed a sigh of relief, coming back from rebirth, this is the thing that worries her the most, and it is also the thing she can't do anything about.

    Even though she knew the whole story, she couldn't find any other way except relying on her family.

    So she chose to remind Father and Sister overtly and secretly at the beginning of the year to avoid disasters earlier, and now it seems that it is effective.

    Xu Nian smiled comfortably, liking the sense of stability now.

    She said: "From now on, every winter solstice, sister will accompany Niannian to eat dumplings, and you are not allowed to play tricks.

    " My mother brought some vegetables," Xu Guogong said sourly.

    Xu Nian immediately started to move, caught fish for father, and put rice for mother.

    The eyes are wide open, as if to say, is it okay now?

    Xu's mother touched Xu Guogong to tell him not to worry about the child, and she lowered her eyes and couldn't help smiling.

    At the same time, the atmosphere in Prince Yu's mansion was extremely gloomy.

    Shen Changlin was very anxious these days, "Do you think Xu Sijiang has discovered something? It's been so long, and his vigilance has not diminished but increased."

    Qi Xuan's repeated temptations have been thoroughly seen. The income is not under their banner.

    Since you can't be friends, you can only get rid of it first.

    The evidence of the Su Yang case is still in Xu Sijiang's hands, and such a person must not be left in existence.

    But after laying it out for so long, he didn't let him catch the slightest flaw.

    I always feel that this year is not good.

    Qi Xuan said: "I thought she was aware of current affairs, but she didn't seem like one who wanted to die."

    No matter how good defense is, there will always be weaknesses.

    Since the place you want to move can't be moved, use the place that is easy to move.

    "Does the lord have any tricks?" He said so, and he must have some ideas.

    Qi Xuan looked in the direction of the palace, thinking of the increasingly severe situation in the past few days, and thought that he could not wait any longer, his plan should be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

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