Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

    Xu Nian's heart skipped a beat when he saw him, and he almost blurted out Qi Chu's name.

    But when the words came to his lips, he was still held back by reason.

    I can't tell him yet, but if Qi Chu is mentioned, he will definitely be suspicious.

    Qi Chu saw her pause for a while, her lips moved slightly, but she never said a word.

    Although he tried his best to cover it up, the fleeting worries still fell into Qi Chu's eyes.

    He said: "Miss, don't worry that Lu Zhi will reveal it to others, I know, Miss knows, there will never be a third person in the world who will know."

    Xu Nian felt that his appearance was very docile and well-behaved, so he held back a smile and said: "Let's talk about this matter after you recover from your injury."

    She was here to remind him, but now seeing his straightforward attitude, she felt a little more at ease.

    There is no rush for this matter, she has to be more careful and make sure nothing goes wrong.

    After figuring this out, he felt relieved, Xu Nianhu said: "Tomorrow, the He Mansion's New Year's Eve banquet will not end until you hour, and I will stay in the He Mansion during the period, so I just let Lian Tang follow me when the time comes."

    "When you first came to Yandu, you are not familiar with the location of the streets. If you want to follow me in the future, you must get familiar with them early. You should take this opportunity to go out and get to know the way.

    " It's all laid out, she just didn't say directly, just do whatever you want, tomorrow I won't care where you go or what you do.

    A trace of puzzlement flashed across Qi Chu's eyes, " can go wherever you want? Miss is also so indulgent to other people?"

    Some time ago, people were secretly staring at him, and now they are suddenly so relaxed towards him.

    Is it really letting go of vigilance, or is it another temptation?

    Xu Nian said calmly, "I'm taking you in temporarily, not keeping you by my side. Your freedom is of course up to you."

    Qi Chu's eyes moved slightly, and the dim light of the hanging lamp hit the slender eyelashes, settling It is rare to see confusion in the deep eyes.

    Seeing that he was not moved, Xu Nian narrowed his eyes slightly, and said softly and cogently,

    "This is the only chance, and no one else has it. I only gave it to you because of your good luck."

    This is a smile But pretending to be serious, pretending not to care much about his eyes but staring at his reaction all the time, seeing that he still didn't agree, there was more regret and embarrassment on his face.

    It's like a cat that wants to be tickled by people, but is unwilling to admit it, so it has to coax people to hide it, but it says in its heart: "You promise quickly, don't hesitate!"

    Why can this face always do it? made his unexpected expression.

    Qi Chu couldn't hold back a chuckle, his voice was very soft, and he said: "Lu Zhi said, everything is under the arrangement of the lady, since it is the lady's order, then Lu Zhi will make all the streets, big and small, in Yandu tomorrow. clear".

    Xu Nian rolled his eyes, thinking to himself, maybe the Duke's government is too strict, he failed to find the opportunity to act, and he should create more opportunities for him in the future.

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