Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

    keep him?

    Xu Nian never thought about this question.

    If it wasn't for this face, she wouldn't have turned back that night, and she wouldn't have been so angry that she wanted to kill him.

    The root cause is that she couldn't get out of the nightmare that Qi Chu brought her.

    In this life, she has already decided not to have anything to do with them.

    Qi Chu's eagerness to get up just now has already involved the wound, and fine cold sweat oozes from his pale face.

    But during this period, he never frowned once, instead he waited for the answer seriously.

    Xu Nian paused for a moment, then finally moved away, and said: "You have hands and feet, why worry about nowhere to go, I saved your life, and I killed your life, the debt is equal, and the debt is not owed to each other. "

    It has nothing to do with me what you want to do from now on, and you don't need to ask me."

    When she said this, she raised her jaw slightly, and in just a few words, she said that she was unreasonable to the extreme.

    Qi Chu looked at her for a moment, then suddenly cupped his fists and was about to kneel again, "If Miss keeps me, I will do anything for Miss."

    Seeing that he refused to give up, Xu Nian had a headache and pulled him twice, her wrist Already sore.

    With his slightly trembling wrist hidden in his sleeve, Xu Nian frowned slightly: "Are you planning to rely on me?" In

    the previous life, King Yu was like a banished fairy in the sky, talking to him, Xu Nian had to bathe and burn incense before he dared to go. Excuse me, why is there so little sense of distance now?

    "I really want to stay," Qi Chu looked at her, "Since the lady never planned to keep me, why did you save me on a snowy night? Why did you go to Yizhuang to kill me?"

    They all asked When it came to the point, Xu Nian glanced at him suspiciously, and said, "I saved you out of good intentions. Yizhuang killed you because I misunderstood that you killed my servant to seek revenge. You don't have to think so much.

    " I have already paid for the consultation fees at the clinic, you can rest assured to recover from your illness, and after you recover from your illness, you can go wherever you want, as long as you have never seen me before."

    After finishing speaking, Xu Nian took out another bag of money and put it on the table, "This is not for you directly, but for lending to you. If in the future, you become a noble person that I can't afford, if I am in trouble, May you also recite today's grace of healing."

    She felt that what she said was a rascal, and she said before that the debt of gratitude was offset, and now she took the grace of the doctor's healing to her to herself, making him owe herself another Kindness.

    Xu Nian didn't know if she could turn this life around, she had to plan more for the future.

    Now that I can bluntly say that I should not take him in, it is because all the people I rely on are there, reminding him to remember the grace of saving his life, and it is to prevent the future when he is desperate and no one asks for help.

    He seemed to have something to say, but Xu Nian just glanced at him, turned around and left without giving him a chance.

    But after walking for a while, the footsteps behind her did not stop, people were coming and going on the street, Liantang held up the cloud green umbrella for her, she was wearing a bright red today, it matched the cloud blue umbrella A beautiful and moving scene.

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