Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

    A bright moon hangs high outside the window, and the house is quiet, without any movement.

    Seeing that she didn't respond, Qi Chu finally put away the knife. He withdrew his hand that threatened her, and just raised his hand to help her cover the quilt.

    Xu Nian could feel that the breathless sight had disappeared, and the sound of Qi Chu closing the door was almost inaudible.

    She held her breath and listened for a while, the footsteps had disappeared from the corridor, and after confirming that he had really left, Xu Nian opened her eyes in relief.

    It really scared her to death.

    Qi Chu stopped at the corner without turning his head. In the quiet courtyard, all the small sounds seemed so obvious, his calm eyes moved.

    When Xu Nian woke up the next day, he patted his heart first, tried his best to keep his expression as normal, and then walked out of the room.

    In the past, Lu Zhi would wait in this yard for her orders, but today he opened the door but saw no sign of him.

    Xu Nian couldn't help asking: "Liantang, have you seen Lu Zhi?"

    Liantang shook her head, and then persuaded her in a low voice: "Miss, why don't you take him back, this servant thinks this person is really dangerous."

    Who knows what he can do.

    Xu Nian would have hesitated in the past, but now that it is related to Su Yang's case, she needs to find an opportunity to have a good talk with him.

    "I'll go and see him." Xu Nian walked out a few minutes, seeing that she was really nervous, and said, "If you are afraid, you can just wait for me here."

    After all, there are still memories of the previous life, Xu Nian knows a lot, so he just Not so concerned anymore.

    The courtyard was very quiet, and Xu Nian's footsteps were not heavy. Seeing that the door was slightly ajar, she pushed the door open without much hesitation.

    Then he froze completely.

    Qi Chu's clothes were half untied, and the bandages on his arms were only half wrapped. Hearing the sound, he looked slightly sideways. This movement completely revealed the muscles of his whole body.

    On the thin waist and back, there were many injuries staggered on it, some of which were obviously old injuries, and there were also new injuries from this winter.

    Qi Chu's reaction was also extremely fast. He quickly pulled up his clothes, and Xu Niancai suddenly came back to his senses, realizing what an inappropriate thing he had done.     Xu Nian blushed

    a little, turned his back and waited for him to get dressed, and explained: "I want to ask you to do me a favor."

I don't like being questioned.

    Xu Nian didn't seem to be curious, but continued, "As long as the accounts are involved, troubles will definitely arise. Kang Yi has other things to do. I want you to protect me for a few days?

    " You don’t need to do other things, just wait in our hospital, if something unexpected happens, you must show up when I call you.”

    She has been thinking about this since she came here, although she said that sister Since he dared to let her come, he should be fully prepared, but Xu Nian felt that he had to make some other preparations. If something unexpected happened, it would not be unreasonable to be unprepared.

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