Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

    At night, the Duke's Mansion fell into silence.

    Even the dimly lit lights couldn't hide the young man's bright facial features. He stood aside with downcast eyes, waiting for orders.

    This action made it easier for Xu Nian to look at him.

    She was actually full of curiosity about this face. King Yu and Qi Chu were twin brothers, and their appearances were nine points alike.

    Xu Nian was able to tell them apart in his previous life because of the difference in their eyebrows.

    King Yu was born with a pair of gentle and kind eyes, approachable and easy to get along with, but Qi Chu, that lunatic, mostly had fierce and gloomy eyes, and blood would flow into rivers wherever he looked.

    Xu Nian usually did not dare to look at it blatantly, but now that the light is not bright, he is much more courageous.

    "You don't have to stand anymore, sit down and let the doctor feel your pulse."

    Today I mainly want to see how his injury is recovering.

    Qi Chu hesitated, Xu Nian raised his head and stared at him, with threats in his eyes, fierce.

    He even had the illusion that if he didn't move, Xu Nian would come to pull him.

    After a short pause, Qi Chu still sat opposite her.

    Xu Nian slacked off, appearing to appreciate and affirm his obedience, observing him with astute eyes.

    "Last time I only asked your name, but I forgot to ask your birthday. How old are you now?"

    Qi Chu turned his wrist and said, "Sixteen."

    He only answered his age, but kept silent about his birthday, but Xu Nian knew that in one month, New Year's Eve would be his birthday.

    He didn't intend to say it, so Xu Nian also pretended not to notice.

    The doctor has already checked the pulse, but he frowned and let go of his hand: "Second Miss, his pulse is weak and weak, and it shows that he has been ill for a long time, and his blood is depleted. The old man sees that the pulse is dangerous and can easily kill people, and he needs to hurry up." Conditioning is."

    Dangerous pulse?

    Qi Chu just flicked down his sleeves lightly, and as soon as he got up, Xu Nian hurriedly stopped him:

    "I told you to sit and sit, don't move, don't move!"

    This disobedient, she is so nice He was supported by good medicine and medicine, but why didn't he get well at all, and there was a dangerous omen.

    Can't you cherish your body a little bit? When Yaoshi Wuyi was killed by Qi Chu, you were the one to cry!

    Xu Nian glared at him angrily, and told the doctor: "Please take extra care, no matter what herbs you spend, I want him to recover."

    Qi Chu was taken aback by her glance.

    When Liantang took the doctor to grab the medicine, Qi Chu said: "It's Lu Zhi who has failed to live up to his expectations. This body really bothers the lady." The

    attitude of admitting his mistake was very good, and Xu Nianben's heart softened when he was about to lecture him. There was pity in her eyes, and she said: "Starting tomorrow, the doctor will change your medicine for you, and I will come to supervise you every day to take medicine."

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