Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

    Until the old lady of the Chen family left, Xu Nian still hadn't recovered from the surprise just now.

    What a big face, it was their family who disliked her elder sister in every possible way at the beginning, and now they are the ones who come so shamelessly to say such things at the door, it is really a disaster to catch their family.

    "Come out." Xu Guogong stood at the door and had spotted her a long time ago. "Standing outside for so long, don't you feel cold?"

    Xu Nian belatedly stretched out his hand to rub his face. It is really cold.

    "When did Daddy know I'm here?" She came out from behind the pillar and said coquettishly, "If Daddy said it earlier, my daughter would have gone in and listened to it openly."

    "You, you are still so restrained at home. What, when I was talking to my mother just now, I came in when I wanted to, why hesitate?"

    When Xu Guogong said this, he seemed to be blaming, but his tone was a bit pampering and helpless.

    Xu Nian patted her head in embarrassment. Xu Guogong saw that she was cramped, so he didn't go into it. He just asked: "I heard that you took Kang Yi out in a hurry a few days ago, and these days you always go to the hospital. What is it?" What happened?"

    Seeing the concern in her father's eyes, Xu Nian was stunned for a moment, she really wanted to tell the whole story, but it's funny, even if she loves her parents, how much can she believe it.

    What's more, how can she tell them all the miserable experiences in her previous life frankly and without any grievances? She doesn't have the face either.

    Feeling depressed, Xu Nian still smiled and said, "It's not a big deal, it's just that my daughter rescued a beggar a few days ago, a good person has done her best, and recently sent him some warm things."

    Xu Guogong She didn't become suspicious, but just confessed a few words to make her pay more attention to safety.

    Before leaving, I remembered something again, and turned back and said: "Your sister is already on the way back. The Chen family is shameless, and they have the nerve to pay attention to you. Just pretend that you didn't hear what you said earlier. The wicked have their own day." Grind it, let him suffer on his own."

    Auntie is coming back? Xu Nian's eyes lit up.

    With my elder sister around, I am a little bit more sure of helping my family avoid those disasters in the previous life.

    Thinking of this, she suddenly realized that she seemed to have forgotten one thing.

    I forgot to ask where the lines on the jade pendant came from.

    As long as Master Pingdeng is bribed to reveal what happened in the previous life to my aunt, my aunt will definitely talk to my father and mother again, and then she will echo a few words, as long as my father and mother are dubious and have a heart of defense, It is not a problem to avoid many disasters.

    Thinking of going there again, Xu Nian frowned slightly. She had already promised her cousin that she would go to the Plum Garden Party with him later.

    After thinking for a while, Xu Nian called Kang Yi and confessed, "You go to the medical clinic for me, and ask me something about the man I rescued a few days ago." In the

    medical clinic, no one noticed that a The figure had already quietly disappeared from the wall of the backyard.

    And on the small pavilion on the top of the mountain in the depths of the plum garden, where layers of plum branches are covered, a man stands tall and tall, standing like a pine and cypress, tall and elegant.

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