Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

    There were only three things to do, so he just had a good deal of time, and he accepted it when he saw it was good.

    The breath that made people feel angry reached the throat, but under his inexplicable gaze, it collapsed again.

    Xu Nian's eyes were full of anger, and his whole body was full of anger.

    Qi Chu became amused, raised his small jaw, and rubbed his fingertips on it, causing a slight pain.

    Yun Li was full of satisfaction on her face: "Miss, please remember it. In the future, you can't just eat what other people feed you. They are not me, and they will not remind you so kindly."

    Xu Nian said angrily: "Qi Chu , If you tease me like this again, I will return it in the future."

    After she finished speaking, she felt that it was not enough to relieve her anger, so she added: "I want to feed you poisonous fruit too."

    Her voice was already soft, The words of the threatening person have no deterrent effect.

    The eyes are very fierce, as if they are about to rush up and bite someone at any time.

    like what? Qi Chu thought.


    But rabbits are gentle, and there will be no time to try their claws like this.


    Thinking of this, he raised his eyebrows.

    Isn't it just a cat that has been provoked and has a fierce face.

    Qi Chu raised his lips: "Miss, you can come and try, as long as you're not afraid of falling into my hands." While

    speaking, he kept looking at her, revealing the provocation and bullying in his eyes. clear.

    People can't ignore it, and it makes people want to frustrate his spirit, so that he won't be so complacent.

    Qi Chu's gaze grew deeper and deeper. The cat was just trying its claws, and it hadn't come to the door yet. It wasn't enough...

    As soon as he finished speaking, as if reflecting his thoughts, Xu Nian suddenly stood on tiptoe, raised his hand and raised his hand. The lost wild fruit was quickly delivered to his lips.

    Qi Chu's lips hadn't closed yet, seeing that they touched her teeth with only a little distance left, Qi Chu had already reached out and pinched her wrist first.

    He raised his hands above his head.

    Looking at the person who fell into the trap, he rolled his throat, "This is delivered to the door by the lady herself."

    He had already reminded her.

    Xu Nian's remaining hand was still pushing against his chest, his body was pressed against him, and he couldn't break free, his face turned red.

    "Qi... um..." Before the words finished, they had already been swallowed up.

    Qi Chulan's hand between her tightened slightly, his warm lips tore together, and the chaotic panting sounds could not be distinguished from each other.

    Xu Nian resisted and struggled with his hand at first, but after he stirred it up, it rested on his shoulder like a boneless one. Under his irresistible persecution, he tilted his head back slightly, trying to move away.

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