Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

    The moment Qi Chu turned around, his eyes turned completely cold. The people who responded were already ready. With a nod, he turned and walked towards the back hall.

    When passing by, the boy who was waiting with his head bowed reported, "The prince has just arrived, and he is now on the fourth floor. We are hiding a secret, and he hasn't found the clue yet."

    Qi Chu opened the curtain, and glanced at the When people were about to follow, they stopped and told, "You stay here."

    "Yes! Your Highness."

    If it weren't for the sudden action today, he suddenly knew that Qi Yu would come here, and he didn't want to throw irrelevant things People were implicated, but with her cover, it was much easier for him to act.

    Upstairs at this time, Qi Yu sat down in the room on the fourth floor under the flattery of his cronies, took a sip of hot tea, and then looked at He Niang who was standing aside.

    He Niang had already taken off her veil, fell to her knees almost instantly, and begged, "I have been doing what you said, please let my brother go.

    " It’s your blessing to be somewhat similar, as long as you continue to do what I say, let alone your younger brother, it will not be a problem to make you rich and prosperous for the rest of your life.”

    Qi Yu thought it was funny when he thought of this, but he He has never been willing to be just a puppet. Now that he has reached this position, how can he let go easily.

    Thinking of this, a ruthless light flashed in his eyes, let Qi Xuan kill Qi Chu first, then it will be Qi Xuan who will be trapped in the cocoon, and he will be the one who will reap the benefits of the fisherman.

    He Niang just lowered her head, she didn't know why she was suddenly called here today, and asked anxiously: "I have already lied to the person who came to me as the nobleman said, and now the Prime Minister's family is also treating me. I firmly believe it."

    After walking a few steps on her knees, she humbly grabbed the hem of her clothes and begged, "My lord let me see my brother, I just want to make sure that he is safe and sound..."

    Qi Yu raised her chin, leaned close to her, put the tip of his nose close to her cheek, sniffed and touched her, then pressed her back spoon, pulled her closer to his arms, and threatened: "You tell me now! Requests are not acceptable. If I can get you out of the Goulan courtyard, I won’t break my promise. As long as you are obedient, I will naturally give you two a way out.”

    Sensing his intention, He Niang stretched out her hand to push Seeing his displeasure flashing across his face, he immediately explained, "Tomorrow, the prime minister and his wife will hold a banquet in the mansion, and tonight I was able to get away because the servant girl was stunned. If I go back late, I'm afraid people will find out, it's broken." The nobleman's plan."     Qi Yu was not happy with the soft fragrance and beautiful jade in his arms, but thinking of how hard it was for him to cheat him like this once under Qi Xuan's nose, he could only bear it now and gave her a sidelong glance. He urged, "You have to cheat the Prime Minister's trust as soon as possible, and win over this person to my camp. What did that person tell you?"     He Niang didn't dare to hide it, and said in detail, "He also asked me to get him as soon as possible. Xiang Cheng trusted him, saying that I will be of great use to him in the future."     Great use?     Qi Yu squinted and thought for a moment, although Qi Xuan hid his thoughts deeply, but the purpose of left and right is not the same as his, and there are other uses.     "You have to play it for me. If he finds out the problem, I'll kill you both." Qi Yu pushed her away and talked about the business of calling her, "I'll let you find a way Make an impression in front of the Xu family, you did a good job that night, and at the banquet tomorrow, that Miss Xu family will definitely come, you must remember what I told you."     "He Niang understands."     Qi Yu has been so far They couldn't figure out why none of the people he sent came back that night, but fortunately, they died cleanly, and Qi Xuan didn't notice anything strange, at least they kept it a secret.     Thinking of this, he felt the fire was burning, and his heart was agitated for a while, so he handed her a pack of powder immediately, and said with a disturbed face: "I will go there tomorrow too, you put this pack of medicine in her food, and the work is done." Alright, I'll let you meet your brother."     He Niang took it and carefully hid it in her sleeve.

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