Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


    Xu Nian could hardly wait.

    This time, they are no longer separated by life and death.

    Xu Sijiang rarely showed a soft smile, and rubbed the top of her hair, "A Nian has grown up so much, when sister left last time, you were still a little girl."

    Xu Nianxi smiled, "This year, sister Be sure to watch the year with me, I won't let you go." She

    smiled brightly and was an eyesore.

    Qi Chu paused, then inexplicably looked away.

    Xu Sijiang responded one by one, and she also wanted to ask her sister carefully why she had predicted this incident so accurately.

    But when she raised her eyes, her gaze swept over the person behind her, just as she took a small look, Xu Nian had already taken a step sideways, blocking her view.

    She leaned closer to Sister A and whispered, "He burned his face, it's not so scary to cover it up, Sister, don't think too much about it."

    After she finished speaking, she quietly turned her head and blinked at the person behind her.

    Qi Chu's deeply immersed eyes paused for a moment, and then drooped down obediently.

    "Sister, go do your business, I'll go back later."

    A low-key sedan chair with a roof is parked in the distance, and the logo of the Chen Mansion can be vaguely seen.

    Xu Nian still remembered one thing.

    The woman's suppressed sobs came out, and Xu Nian stood beside him, and said softly, "Chen Ning, do you feel the taste of despair?

    " The fear of escaping in the car has not dissipated, and now the whole person is limp in the car, only crying louder when he heard the sound.

    Xu Nian ignored it, and said sharply: "I don't know the severity, I don't learn to be kind, and I want to hurt people's lives casually. I have no grievances or enmity with you, but you want to kill me three times and four times. "

    "I can't act like a villain like you, and I won't trip you up behind my back, but it doesn't mean that those things are for nothing."

    Chen Ning opened the curtain nervously, choking with words: "As long as you get someone to escort me back, I won't bother you in the future. I'll agree to whatever you say."

    In a panic, she reached out to pull the person in front of her . Distance, "What you said doesn't count, Feng Shui turns around, I almost died twice, you just think about it like this in a few words, there is no such cheap thing in the world." The

    sedan chair is the one she asked Sister to inform the Chen family, and the four bearers , three of them were familiar faces at the He Mansion banquet that day.

    Accomplices of the day.

    "Kang Yi", Xu Nian suddenly called out.

    When Chen Ning saw her gaze, he suddenly had a premonition that something was wrong. These were the people who would send her back later.

    What is she going to do?

    Chen Ning was terrified and wanted to come down, but was blocked by Kang Yi.

    Kang Yi's tone was calm, but his attitude was tough, "Miss Chen, please sit back."

    The blood splashed on her body hadn't been wiped off just now, Chen Ning looked scared, shrank her shoulders, bit her lips and backed away go back.

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