Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

    At the end of the autumn hunt, Emperor Cheng had a banquet in the palace, and the family gathered together, which was second only to the excitement of Xinyuan.

    After everyone returned to their respective homes to tidy up, they began to head to the palace.

    On the street, the voice of a woman crying came immediately: "I beg you to save my mother-in-law, I need a doctor, my mother-in-law is about to die, I beg you..."

    There was a lung-piercing cry, and there was nowhere to go have no choice.

    With a hoarse voice, she begged over and over again, her desperate eyes were full of red threads, and the passing carriages were chased all over.

    But none stopped.

    Someone drove her away, and someone scolded her for not knowing what to do.

    "I'm begging you... I really can't help it..." But

    he shouted hoarsely, but in the end he was thrown to the side of the road, his head was smashed, and his face was covered in blood, which was even more frightening.

    The people watching the play jokingly said: "It's the granddaughter of that crazy woman in Dongmenqiao. The old one is also crazy, and the young one is also crazy. If she doesn't learn well, she steals people's things, and now she's pretending to cheat money. Really. He deserves to be sick and die."

    The boss of the pharmacy stood up and took a look: "Bah! I'm so unlucky."

    The person who was thrown into the corner ignored the pain, wiped his face indiscriminately, gave up all dignity and arrogance, and rushed in again When he entered the pharmacy, he begged: "I am willing to pay back whatever I do. Doctor, please give me some medicine on credit first, and I will definitely pay it back..." The

    boss asked two servants to beat him out, and resigned with disdain. Stand back at the counter.

    The light in the woman's eyes dimmed little by little, and after three days, she still couldn't find a doctor who was willing to see the grandmother.

    There was blood at the corner of her mouth, as if she had been completely numb, she wiped it off indifferently, and got up staggeringly.

    A lotus green dress broke into her distraught eyes, and she slowly raised her eyes.

    Standing in front of her was a strange girl, her face was not as malicious as that of ordinary people, and there was even some concern in her eyes.

    People with muddy faces can't see their original faces clearly.

    Xu Nian withdrew his scrutiny and asked her softly, "Do you still need a doctor? I can get someone to find it for you."

    "Yes!" It had been a long time since no one had talked to her like this, and the woman's eyes lit up again. Shuguang, she looked closely at Xu Nian, fearing that Xu Nian would regret and take back his words.

    Seeing her nervousness, Xu Nian smiled reassuringly, and said, "Liantang, help her find a doctor."

    It was true, it turned out to be true...

    The woman's eyes were red, and she knelt down with sobs in her throat , "My name is He Song. If the nobles need me in the future, no matter whether it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire, I am willing to do it." After the

    words fell, he kowtowed loudly.

    "He Song", Xu Nian called her, "Don't delay, go back and meet your mother-in-law." It might be the last time.

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