Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

    He Jia's riding outfit was left in the car, she went to ask someone to pick it up, and she just came back now.

    Seeing her coming, Xu Nian went to find a seat to sit down together. There was still a while before the official start of the autumn hunt.

    He Jia said: "Last autumn, it rained, and it was lively and lively, but it ended early because of the constant rain."

    Xu Nian saw pine nuts on the table: "I heard that this year, His Majesty asked the Chief of Rites in advance . Looking at the date, it will last for three days, not less than one day."

    Song Zhen took the small dish and put all the peeled pine nuts in it.

    "Yandu has not been so lively for a long time. Today, all the families in Yandu are here, and we don't know who will win first."

    Xu Nian smiled, "My elder sister was not here in previous years, but this year it will be There is a portion for my elder sister." The

    pine nuts were placed in front of her, and she stuffed them into her mouth without any hesitation, eating with relish.

    He Jia was not to be outdone: "Last year it was my elder brother who made his mark. This year he was at home with my sister-in-law, otherwise there must be another elder brother."

    "Your elder brother is amazing."

    "Your elder sister is also amazing."

    Both of them laughed after finishing speaking Yes, Song Zhen handed them grapes again.

    Blocking the mouths of the two of them tightly is like two squirrels eating.

    After handing over the grapes and peeling the oranges, I was extremely busy.

    Happy to say it here.

    Not far away, the vague gaze fell, and then retracted. After repeating this many times, he became even more irritable.

    The person with a face like a crown of jade has dark eyes, and a storm is accumulated on his face.

    I am so happy to eat.

    ——I really want to put some poison in it, so poisonous that I can't laugh.

    Whoever handed it dared to stuff it in his mouth.

    ——It seems that there is a lack of lessons, so it's time to inject some poison that will teach you a long lesson.

    Commander Wu unfolded the blueprint in his hand, pointed to several places, and asked, "Look, my lord, there is a canal here, and the terrain is low and humid. The fortified people can't get in, so they can only go on it..."

    Every autumn hunting It is the most unexpected day, so he still wants to improve a little bit.

    Qi Chu didn't know what he was worried about, he was tired of listening, and his face lost his good looks. At first, he could pretend, but now he lost his patience, and his face had already turned cold.

    But Commander Wu was so focused on what was in his hands that he didn't notice it at all.

    After finishing speaking, he found that King Yu was looking at him sideways. He paused slightly, puzzled: "...Did I say something wrong?"

    Qi Chu said: "You think the security arrangement I discussed with you a few days ago is inappropriate. The

    gaze seemed to be gouging out someone, and Commander Wu was sweating from behind, his face was a little stiff, but he quickly explained: "No, no, the prince is serious, I just think it's okay anyway, let's talk about it casually .”

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