Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

    "Miss Xu Er?" Qi Xuan's voice came.

    Xu Nian was suddenly frightened, and even raised his head, "...His Royal Highness King Yu?"

    She looked here, the direction to King Yu's Mansion was not here, and it was almost impossible to meet him.

    Qi Xuan saw her doubts, and explained, "I saw Miss Xu Er in the palace just now, and this time I was going out of the city, and I happened to pass by here." "I see you look bad, are     you


It's okay, this accident is due to looking at you one more time, if Shen Jiao sees you again at this time, she really can't explain it clearly.

    Xu Nian said this from the bottom of his heart, but still shook his head on the face, "Maybe it's because he hasn't had a good rest recently, and he's a little bit motion sick. It's not a big deal     .


He hurried away.

    But Qi Xuan didn't seem to see her alienation, his eyes were light: "No hurry."

    He understated it, but Xu Nian was anxious to death.

    But you have to pretend to be calm, and you can't show too much panic.

    "Sister is still waiting for me at home. If Your Highness has nothing to do, I will take a step first. Your Highness, please do what you want."

    She lowered her head slightly, and after seeing the ceremony, she hurriedly walked towards her carriage without raising her head.

    Qi Xuan turned sideways to let her go, but when she passed by, she suddenly said, "This place is not far from the Duke's Mansion, if Miss Xu Er gets carsick, why don't you walk with me for a while?"

    Xu Nian Closing his eyes, he refused and said, "I'm afraid it's inappropriate for me to walk together with His Highness. If it spreads out, it will be a bad word."

    Qi Xuan turned around, looked at her back who insisted on leaving, and said suddenly Emphasized, "Miss Xu Er."

    "I said, I just came out of the palace." The

    implication is that he knows what happened.

    "The one who died was the servant girl of my house. As for the reason, the queen mother probably told you just now." He walked to Xu Nian's side, and his tone suddenly became cold, "You are leaving in such a hurry now because you are afraid of getting involved with me. relationship?”

    Anyone who is treated as a puppet, coerced and restrained, who can’t even decide who to see and who to talk to, is not happy.

    He has endured it for many years, and he has tolerated it much more, and he is even more ashamed of being fooled by others casually.

    Such ambiguity, in his eyes, is no different from contempt.

    She knew today, saw him, and saw clearly his situation at this time.

    In the past, it was fine if no one knew, but now, the one in front of him clearly knows how he has been manipulated by others.

    He hates being known.

    This kind of strength is seen by others, which means that the weakness is exposed, and the weakness is seized, so how can he bear it.

    Besides, Xu Sijiang must know a lot about Su Yang's case.

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