1 | wake up

683 25 5


4th december

after staring at the floating body for a while, he looked closely at the latter's face. his cheeks were stained with tears, he obviously cried before ending it.

i know soobin, he's still alive. he's a fighter.

with the positive thoughts - in this very negative situation - in his mind, he heaved the fully clothed, unconscious body out from the bath. the tub was filled with streaks of red blood that came from the younger. tears were still falling uncontrollably from yeonjun's eyes. he gently layed the boy on the tiled floor. placing his head to the boys chest, checking for any sign of life. there was a pulse, however he could tell it was extremely faint and soobin was running out of time.

he's still alive!

"s-soobin please! wake up! please, i need you in my life, please, please don't leave." his words eventually fell to whispers as he layed his head on the younger's chest. he was holding onto soobin's body, he didn't want to let go yet no matter how hard he tried he knew that soobin would not be waking up for a long time. it was the harsh reality that he had to face.

yet the older male still had fate. he still believed deep down that the younger would wake up. or maybe he just wanted the younger back in his life so much, that he made up an unbelievable lie just to feel better.

the older didn't realise or hear the loud siren from the ambulance pull up outside. it took seconds before the paramedics hurried to the room located with soobin, "sir, please move out the way!" yeonjun was pulled away from the boy laying on the bathroom floor. soobin had blood oozing slowly from his wrists, thighs and from under his white thin shirt. seeing soobin in such a state kept on shattering yeonjun's heart of pieces.

he watched in shock as the paramedics took the boy away from him. he followed them until the boy was transported away to the hospital. it all happened so quickly, he didn't even realise how much he was crying until he was shot back to reality again.

his legs gave in, yeonjun had lost all ability to move, he fell on his knees to the floor of the pavement, a few neighbors had come out of their houses to see what had happened. they were as shocked as yeonjun was. yet, yeonjun still knew deep down in his heart that this day would come, he could sense how distant soobin had always been. he told himself not to get so attached, because boys like soobin could easily get lost. he had predicted the future. yet he never got to say goodbye because...he never knew that day would be today.

published-09 january 2023

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