24 | remember me

158 11 12

august 9th

"i have good news, and bad news." the doctor said as he sat down behind the desk while yeonjun and chloe were seated next to eachother across the table.
"the good news is, he's awake and no longer sleeping." yeonjun let out a small sigh of relief, but what was the bad news then?

"the bad news is... he's lost quite a lot of his memory." yeonjun's face dropped with shock, he did not expect that at all.

"w-what do you mean sir?" chloe replied quickly before yeonjun could say what was on his mind.
"well, it's hard to understand but because of the state he is in, his brain is still in shock because now he suddenly is waking up. his brain is still in a state of trauma and stress so it's hard for him to remember exactly how he got in this state in the first place."

"did he forget why he tried to...you know?" yeonjun didn't want to say the words, he was afraid of them.
"it's seems like it, and please don't be offended or stressed if he forgets who you are, with other patients we've found that their memory does come back eventually." yeonjun nodded at the words but couldn't help but feel a little bit anxious, what if he forgets completely who i am? what if he forgets what we have been through? and when we kissed?

if he forgets, i'll make him remember me. i'll be the only thing he remembers!

then after that there was more talking about when soobin will be allowed to leave the hospital and some medications he must stay on for a few months. the doctor also stated that 'soobin will also be in a very bad state for a while so he will probably need crutches or even a wheelchair.'  there were other things about his wounds but the doctor gave a document to chloe for emergencies. then it was finally time to see soobin so the doctor then made his way out of the room with yeonjun and chloe following close behind.

soobin's pov

i was sitting up on the hospital bed, how did i get here? glancing down, my hands and arms were connected to tubes and i had a stuffy oxygen mask on my face. it felt suffocating so i tried to take it off, but the pain of moving hurt too much. a nurse was next to me and saw me struggling so she took it off for me. shit! what the fuck happened to me that made me end up like this?!

i was confused, angry and scared, these feelings turned into worry as soon as the door to my hospital room opened, revealing the same doctor from a few minutes ago checking up on me. he kept asking weird questions like,

"what's your name?" - "soobin, but why am i here?"

"do you not remember what happened to you?"- "umm n-no? what happened?"

his head panged with agony as he examined the boy with black hair and a tall figure walking behind the doctor, he looked familiar, too familiar. what is happening? why does my heard hurt? i felt ringing in my ears, it was painfully loud, like someone was screaming in my ears, i was scared, the noise was too loud, it made my head hurt. stop! stop! stop! i put my hands to my ears to stop the chaos.

everything was flashing and loud, i couldn't take it, it was too much.

but then, it was like a vision flashed before my eyes. something that had happened before, it felt like it had happened in my past life. i had experienced it before, deja vu!


i leaned my head back, the blinding lights from the bathroom ceiling was shining through my eyelids. all i could see was brightness until suddenly a vision of him smiling gently at me appeared in my mind, he had white long feathered wings. he was an angel. he was my angel. i was in heaven. i could finally breathe.

\end of flashback/

the ringing had stopped. he looked at the boy that was in his dream again.
"w-who are you!" i shouted and pointed at the angel human person, he was doing something to my mind, he was controlling me! he wasn't real! it's fake! he's fake!

"choi soobin, calm down!" the doctor came to touch my shoulder but slapped him away.
"don't touch me!" my breathing got unstable, my heart rate picked up, that boy killed me! he looked like an angel, but if he's the last person i remember, then he must be the reason i'm here!

"answer me! wh-who o-or what are you?!" i was afraid and my mind was blurred with thoughts. who was he? why was he in my dream and why was he here? what's his name?

suddenly there were two nurses that came in and hurried over to me covering my view of the angel. i tried to see behind them, but they covered my the way and then there was a clear mask placed over my mouth.

as soon as i watched the boy being forcefully walked out with another woman my vision went blurry, that's when i passed out.

published-2 april 2023

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