34 | loved

157 14 12

a/n: i'm so sorry for taking so long to publish! i was on holiday, but i'm here now :)


august 16th

yeonjun's eyes slowly drifted open as his body started to fully restart. the bright light from outside made his eyes open, he subconsciously tried moving his arms but couldn't because something was lying in them. when he was properly awake he acknowledged the pretty boy still sleeping soundly in his arms.

cute. yeonjun thought as he took in all the angelic features of the boy's face. his eyes were closed lightly, lips pouted and nose scrunched. he looked like a baby, yeonjun could watch his boyfriend for days. without thinking he kissed the taller's forehead.

this action, made the younger slightly move in his sleep as the latter started to slowly wake up from his peaceful dream.

"good morning binnie," yeonjun croaked, soobin had only just woke up and his stomach was already doing flips from yeonjun's deep morning voice, he was shocked to say the least.

soobin scrunched his face into yeonjun's chest to hide from any embarrassment and teasing from his boyfriend.

"goodmorning." soobin mumbled into his chest, and the older just teased him anyway,
"aww~ so cute." he rubbed and played with the younger's messy bed hair and then kissed the top of his head. soobin was going to burst from the high feeling rising in his body, he was super overwhelmed with how yeonjun was acting. is this what it's going to be like...every morning?

"i-i'll go make breakfast." soobin quickly tried to rush away from yeonjun's body heat to escape downstairs but failed. the older had pulled him back without thinking to trap him and all his warm heat.

"we can go together. just a few more minutes first." the other said with his morning voice.


soobin was sitting on the white kitchen counter and was watching his boyfriend make french toast and some eggs for the both of them. after watching for a few seconds soobin got up carefully, trying his hardest to not feel any pain, he got his crutches leaning on the island and then limped over towards the older.

"yeonjun, let me do it." soobin grabbed the spatula he was making the eggs with then gently slipped past yeonjun to stand in-front of the stove. yeonjun took a step back and soobin heard the light chuckle he let out as he watched the younger cook the eggs.

soobin was focused on the eggs cooking on a low heat but suddenly he felt a pair of arms slither around his small waist delicately just like a snake.

a tiny gasp heard by both boys had left his mouth as soobin's heart dropped down to his feet, he felt his body heating up from realising what the older was doing to him. he's back hugging me!

"y-yeonjun- wha-what are yo-" he was obviously going to stutter if the older's body was smashed against his.

"we have our date today." yeonjun whispered into soobin's ear then placed a loving kiss on the back of the younger's neck. this action made soobin's stomach do thousands of flips, it was like someone ignited a bonfire in his whole body. he was malfucntioning from all the overwhelming love yeonjun was giving him.

"oh umm o-oh ye-yeah," the feeling in his stomach was too much for soobin so all he could do was say random words, the older thought that soobin's reaction was super adorable.
"you're so cute soobin~" he cooed while helping him to cook the eggs by holding his delicate arms with his. soobin still wasn't feeling normal about everything that was happening so fast and he didn't know how to react, but he didn't hate the feeling of being super close to yeonjun.

soobin just bit his lip to hold back an overpowering smile he felt washing through his body. he felt loved, it made him all giddy, he's never really felt like this before, it was very new but it was amazing.


august 16th

"let's get changed then we can go, i've already texted my mum and she said that she isn't even coming back till tomorrow anyway." yeonjun smiled at the younger as he helped him up the stairs and carried his crutches.

once they got upstairs yeonjun picked out his own outfit and asked the boy sitting on the bed watching "what do you want to wear?"

soobin looked at the wardrobe and thought for a few seconds, there were only yeonjun's clothes, and most of them were too big for him. yes, soobin was taller by a bit, but soobin was a lot skinnier and only barely fit into some of his clothes.

soobin ended up choosing one of yeonjun's plain white shirts with a pair of his blue jeans. putting it on was still akward as hell for both of them, but they were getting used to it day by day.

after they both got ready, yeonjun helped soobin downstairs and the two walked together in comfortable silence to the bus station.

yeonjun was practising driving but doesn't have his license yet. his test should be in october and he can't wait, he loves driving a lot because for him it's really fun. but for now they must take the bus instead.

when they got on the bus, they both sat together, soobin sitting next to the window and yeonjun next to him at the back of the bus. there were about three other people on the bus with them, but they both didn't care about them all they cared about was the fact that...

it was their first date as a couple.


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