25 | betrayed

162 11 2

august 9th

the doctor had told yeonjun and chloe to go back home, after soobin's outburst he had to be put under surveillance by doctors and nurses until he was okay to go back home. when he was alright to go back home, the doctors would give them a call.

the doctors weren't really sure how long it would take for soobin to fully recover from the panic attack he had after seeing yeonjun. the doctor simply said, "it could take hours, days or more. so you should get home and get some rest."

when they got home, yeonjun just cried and cried. chloe hugged her son to comfort him,
"i-i thought i could see him again!" he cried into her shoulder, he was devastated, but he couldn't help but feel disappointed in himself. soobin seemed to have been triggered from yeonjun, it was all yeonjun's fault. why did soobin react like that when he saw him? it was like yeonjun betrayed him.

"honey, it's alright, you will see him soon." she reassured, but that didn't help. yeonjun still felt bad, something wasn't right.

yes, soobin obviously lost his memory of yeonjun, but how come he shouted at yeonjun? yeonjun thought that maybe he remembered something bad of yeonjun, but the last time he remembered, he never did anything bad to soobin, he would never. so why? why was he angry at him?

"but, w-why did he react like that? t-to me?" yeonjun was confused and overwhelmed with his feelings right now, he still doesn't know how to feel after soobin's outburst. he couldn't help but feel a little attacked and broken.

in the actual moment, at first his heart stopped when he saw him, but when soobin started accusing and yelling at him he felt like he did something wrong and his heart fell to his feet.

"the doctor said that his brain is still confused, it's not your fault baby." she knew that yeonjun was probably blaming himself for all of this, but at the same time, chloe herself was unsure of what was wrong with soobin. yes, she wasn't a doctor or professional but anyone could tell that what soobin went through wasn't...expected?

"but h-he was shouting at me! i-it's my fault!" these words cut chloe's heart like a knife, she didn't want her baby's mental health being ruined because of this situation.
"shhh, baby it's not your fault at all," she grabbed his shoulders and made him look at her, "listen to me yeonjun, it's okay, i think you just need to sleep and rest for now. this is obviously confusing for us all, we just need to get through it, together."

"thanks mum," he smiled, before she kissed his forehead leaving a loving smile on both their faces.
"i love you yeonjun, always remember that."
"i love you too."

after a little more hugging, they both went upstairs to get some sleep, well atleast tried to.

published-7 april 2023

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