2 | wish

313 17 8

(7 hours before)
(04:00 pm)
4th december

"come on soob, let's go home." yeonjun closed his locker and swung his bag over his shoulder. after securing his unwanted books in his locker he glanced at the timid boy beside him and presented a gentle smile at the boy. in return soobin shyly looked at his feet. who knew that a boy that was so tall was actually extremely soft and shy on the inside and outside, yeonjun thought.

without a second thought yeonjun grabbed soobin's hand and intertwined their fingers together. this exceedingly small action, evidently made both the hearts of the boys pick up a few paces as butterflies danced in their stomachs. soobin was still looking down but yeonjun saw how his ears were already stained a bright red shade.

they have been holding hands almost everyday, yet it never got old for the both of them. they both experienced the same energy rush run through their bodies.

yeonjun was the only thing in soobin's life that gave him a reason to not just end it. soobin's life was terrible, he wished that when he went to sleep at night, he wouldn't wake up the next. he wished that a life threatening event would happen to him and he would end up dead. he wished that he didn't have to go back home everyday. he wished to run away from the harsh truth. he wished for an ending.

he wanted a way to escape from life. there was no easier way to put it...he wanted to die.

yeonjun knew of soobin's alcoholic and drug addicted parents, how they would abuse soobin mentally and physically. how could someone torment their own child and have no shame? yeonjun promised to protect soobin from them. but soobin just brushes it off. yeonjun was kind hearted and soobin couldn't help himself from falling in love with the boy.

however, soobin was too paranoid to express his real feelings. 'why would he love someone like me?'

if only soobin knew how yeonjun really felt...maybe he wouldn't have actually ended it.

published-09 january 2023

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