32 | bandages

154 14 5

august 15th

"l-let me explain." yeonjun didn't think soobin would react like this. soobin was the one that kissed him, so why was he shouting? was he disgusted by it? or was he just super confused?

"umm...well you see..." yeonjun was trying to think of ways to phrase his words correctly to not create any misunderstandings or hatred.

but yeonjun was fortunately saved from messing up his words by the ringing of his phone. he checked the caller ID that read 'mum' with his face stained red from embarrassment he picked up the phone.

"hello mum?" his voice cracked slightly, he was still shook from the last events. he looked at soobin who was just looking away but you could tell he was in deep thought. yeonjun knew exactly what he was thinking about.

"the doctor called, he said don't forget to change soobin's bandages. so can you help him take a bath then change them for him. i would have done it myself but i just completely forgot. do you think you can do that sweetie?" yeonjun eyes widened a little bit, soobin examined his facial expression and became a little worried. soobin couldn't hear anything so his anxiety got the better of him as he thought of the worst outcomes.

"y-yeah i can do that. but how do you do it correctly?" he didn't want to say no, but at the same time he didn't really know how to put on the bandages the right way without hurting soobin. after all, he wasn't a doctor.

yeonjun and his mother talked on the phone for about five more minutes while she explained how to take care of soobin's bandages.

later, yeonjun hung up the phone and then looked over at soobin who was just looking at him as well.
soobin then quickly looked away. he wasn't stupid, he could pick up they were talking about his bandages and having to change them for new ones. and he connected the dots, chloe isn't here, meaning yeonjun had to do it.

so yeonjun had to see his body, he felt this weird emotion in him, it felt bad yet at the same time felt exciting. it was like fireworks in his stomach, it was as if the butterflies in his stomach were high.

"well..." yeonjun paused for a second. "my mum said i should help you bathe, then we have to change your bandages for new ones..." yeonjun smiled lightly at the younger who's face was like a tomato.


after that yeonjun helped soobin upstairs into the bathroom, he grabbed a chair and placed it next to the bath for soobin to sit on for now while he prepared the bath for the younger.

soobin watched in awe as yeonjun filled up the bath tub with warm water, checking it every second to make sure it wasn't too cold but wasn't too hot, that it was perfect. time flew, and minutes later the bath was filled with warm water and yeonjun just looked at soobin with no emotions.

"you have to get in, do you need help with your clothes?" normally yeonjun's mother would help soobin with his clothes but it's kind of awkward that now yeonjun is helping. you'd think it would be totally fine, as they are both guys. but there is always some sort of loving tension between them. so it felt kind of odd to do so.

"y-yeah please." he breathed then yeonjun helped the taller. soobin lifted his arms straight up and yeonjun took his shirt off. the first thing he saw was the big white bandage draped across his frail body covering about 50% of his upper body delicately.

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