39 | end

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a/n: this ending is really really basic. but i just don't know how to really end it in a way that ties the whole book together and i'm also just really excited to publish my other books so i'm trying to get this one out of the way.

making this book was really hard to write because the plot was kind of all over the place but i'm sad that it's ending and thank you anyone that waited since the first update.

please enjoy this final chapter and wait for when i publish my other stories! (chapter 19 has the teasers for my upcoming books)


(three years later)

"can you sing it for me, one time, please~ i haven't heard it in ages!" they were sitting on their sofa, they had officially moved in together, yeonjun had gotten a very good job that he loved after university and soobin was still trying to figure out what exactly he wanted to do with his life, but yeonjun always supported him.

over the years they grew closer and closer together every second that passed by they never got old of eachother their love only grew stronger. realising how much time they spent together made both of them silently realise how in love they were, they were soulmates.

"i regret even telling you about that song." yeonjun pouted at soobin, the younger always asks his boyfriend to sing the song his father made, the older always gives in and ends up singing it.

"yet you still sing it whenever i ask." soobin looked at yeonjun with a mischievous look and was surprised when yeonjun attacked the younger by tickling him in the stomach. soobin burst into fits of laughter and begged for the older to stop but he obviously didn't.

"you're such an idiot soobin!" yeonjun kept on tickling him,
"you love me!" soobin laughed, he felt butterflies and aching from laughing so hard.


near the end of yeonjun's singing soobin also joined in, yeonjun looked at his love with stars in his eyes. soobin's singing was beautiful. when the song ended his heart was warm and he thought for a second.

"hey soob?" he asked his voice soft.

"hmm?" soobin smiled while looking at his other half.
"how about we publish the song...?" yeonjun didn't really know where he was going with the idea but after hearing soobin sing so beautifully he just had this feeling that the world deserved to hear his angelic voice, no matter how bad he wanted it all to himself.

"like, on the internet?"

"yeah." yeonjun watched for soobin's reaction,
"i don't see why not." soobin grinned and yeonjun fell more in love with the younger.

soobin giggled when yeonjun pulled soobin in for a long loving kiss.


(four months later)

after approval from yeonjun's mother they both collaborated to put their love and souls into the song in honour of yeonjun's father.

it had been a week or two and the song had gone viral, agencies had called for soobin and yeonjun for both of them to become official singers. their voices together made the song beautiful and yeonjun's mother was proud of how far the both of them had come.

they stood in the kitchen as all three of them looked at the laptop on the kitchen island.

they were on youtube watching:

['creators of fairy of shampoo (choi soobin and choi yeonjun) interview of their story behind the viral hit.']

"so you two aren't actually the ones who wrote the song?" an interviewer asked with a camera smile.

"no it was my father, who passed when i was young. he wrote it for my mother and sang it for her to win her over and sang it again on their wedding." yeonjun answered happily.

"that's so cute! so what made you want to publish it publicly?" she questioned.

"it's always been in yeonjun's family and he also sang it to me, and yeonjun decided that it was just the right thing to do, it's what his father would have wanted." soobin smiled.

soobin looked at yeonjun to see the older looking right back.


(1 month later)

life was perfect for the both of them, wherever yeonjun went, soobin went. wherever soobin was, yeonjun was. they needed eachother and there was no way of ever escaping from one an other (not that they would ever want to).

"i told you we shouldn't watch this, you always cry." yeonjun shook his head while he was holding soobin in his arms, swiping away his tears like he was a baby.

"it's just so sad..." soobin sobbed. yeonjun sighed from annoyance because everytime they would watch titanic soobin would always cry, no doubt.
"promise me that you'll never watch this film by yourself," yeonjun lifted soobin's face and touched their noses together.

"i promise..." soobin mumbled and broke eyecontact with him.

"look at me, and promise me properly." yeonjun put his pinky up and soobin wrapped his pinky around yeonjun's.

"i promise."

"and promise me you'll always love me." yeonjun smirked making the man in his arms feel like he could crumble from all the love.

"i promise."

the end

a/n: that's the end of this book! thank you all for reading it means a lot that you came this far and please look forward to my next books.

i think i'm going to publish 'romeo and juliet' first and also 'the feeling' and work on them at the same time.

thank you again♥️


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