14 | move

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a/n: the picture omg🤭^^

also i'm so sorry for the last chapter, it made me cry so much writing it and i know I'm gonna cry writing the next few chapters as well😭

but just like the last chapter, get your tissues ready that's all im saying 🙃

4th december

running, that's all yeonjun was doing, nothing else was on his mind. he just needed to get to soobin, he had a terrible feeling that something happened to his love. he was connected to the latter, for some reason he knew that something was wrong, it wasn't sitting right in his stomach.

for the the past few weeks, soobin has been acting a tiny bit off. it was the tiniest bit of difference, yet yeonjun could still tell. he knew all of the younger's actions, he knew when soobin was lying.

so especially today, when soobin kept on saying 'sorry' and now all of a sudden the text from the taller. he knew something was very wrong, and he think he knew what. but he was still in denial, he didn't want that, his heart breaks into millions of tiny pieces just thinking of it. he doesn't want that. it wouldn't be fair!

after sprinting all the way to soobin's house he was finally at the door. without hesitation, he knocked on the door a few times waiting impatiently. after about a minute, no one answered. seconds later, yeonjun knocked on the door again, this time harder, he couldn't take the painful wait. he needed to see soobin. his life depended on it.

"oh, come on," he whisper yelled to himself, he was about to knock again until suddenly the door was pulled opened. revealing an older man with a glass of red wine loosely placed between his fingers.

"who are you?" mr.choi rudely asked, without trying with any of his might to be polite.

"my name is choi yeonjun, and i'm here to see your son." yeonjun tried his best to stay stern with his words, he hoped it set an intimidating aura.

"why do you want to see soobin?" he interrogates, before taking a sip of his wine.

"something is wrong," yeonjun quickly replied.

"what are you talking about boy?" a higher pitched voice came from behind the man, a woman in a black knee lengthed dress came from the house.

"mrs.choi, please." yeonjun was beginning to get irritated at the two adults, he was running out of time! shit i need to see soobin!

"no! get lost! or i'll call the police!" soobin's father began to raise his voice a little bit while making quick hand gestures, the wine in the cup was swooshing around dangerously. it kept yeonjun on edge, fuck this!

"just move!" without another word yeonjun harshly pushed past the man, he ran into the house without looking back, while running up the stairs he heard the sound of a glass smashing and a squeal. he knew it was the wine glass, but that was the least of his problems.

"oi you! boy! come back!" he hears shouting from behind him but he was too fast.

published-24 february 2023

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