38 | make love [ ! ]

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a/n: TW⚠️ this chapter has smut, i'll put a warning before and after so please skip if you are uncomfortable with it!

I haven't been able to update lately but I'm trying to update, I haven't forgot! Please be patient.


october 13th

it was friday and both soobin and yeonjun had no classes until monday, so they decided to go back home for the weekend.

"i'd love to see you both, but i'm at your aunt's house right now, so i won't be back till sunday." yeonjun's mother said though the phone. "you can still come but just know you two will be alone till sunday."

"that's ok mum, just as long as we get to see you!" yeonjun put the phone on speaker so soobin could say something as well.

"but i feel bad for not being there!" chloe replied.

"it's okay aunty, you don't have to worry about us."

"ah, okay, i'll see you on sunday then my babies! please get home safe. i miss and love you both so much i can't wait to see you!" chloe said her goodbyes and they both said bye at the same time before yeonjun hung up the phone.


soobin grabbed his backpack with clothes for the next three days and two nights from his dorm. he opened the dorm room to see yeonjun already waiting outside for him with his own bag as well.

"let me carry it for you-" he reaches for his boyfriends bag.

"yeonjun, i'm fine, i can carry my own bag." soobin turned his bag away so the other couldn't reach it.

"i know, but i want to hold yours anyway." yeonjun said then quickly snatched the younger's bag and smiled childishly.

"hey~! that's not fair," soobin pouted and looked away.

"you should be happy that you have a boyfriend like me." yeonjun then grabbed the tallers hand and dragged him towards the elevator.

soobin rolled his eyes at the other, "i saw that." yeonjun remarked which made soobin go quiet from embarrassment.


"it's nice to be back here." soobin stated while sitting on top of the kitchen counter while he looked around at the familiar surroundings.

"it really is nice, isn't it." yeonjun walked over to the boy sitting on the kitchen counter and stood between his legs wrapping his hands slowly around his waist. the sensation made soobin's skin crawl with a tingling feeling.


"hmm..." soobin hummed, they both looked down at eachothers lips then back at their eyes.

yeonjun slowly leaned in towards soobin until they could feel eachothers breath on their lips. fires were ignited in both of their stomachs as they both just stared into eachothers eyes, lust and heat filling the air around them.

yeonjun wanted to tease the younger by not kissing him, just to see how long he could last being with their lips being this close but not kissing.

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