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4th december

yeonjun was on his phone, lying down in bed watching youtube until he got a notification popping up from the top of his screen.

i'm so sorry yeonjun

he was alarmed by the text from the younger.

"what? w-what does he mean?" he whispered to himself. yeonjun's stomach turned in an uncomfortable way, he felt anxious for soobin.

his fingers automatically tapped on the bar and his phone screen turned into the messages app.

I'm so sorry yeonjun

yeonjun responded quickly as his heart sped up with worry, he needed to understand what soobin meant by his words.

what do you mean bin?

yeonjun stared at his screen in anticipation, soobin had been online less than a minute ago. but he still hadn't seen the message from yeonjun. where did he go? shit! yeonjun could feel his body tremble with a sudden rush of fear.

he waited for about 3 minutes and he still hadn't replied. yeonjun got too scared so he decided to call soobin to ask what was the reason for the mystery message.

he dialed it once, but it went straight to voicemail. he tried again, but it still went to voicemail. one last time, yet it still went to voicemail.

yeonjun began to get frustrated, what is the meaning of his fucking text?! he scrunched his hair angrily, it can't be- no, I was just with him less than an hour ago.

but he has been saying sorry to me the whole day? he wouldn't- right?

no...no...no! this can't be happening!

without a second doubt in his mind yeonjun got out from under his bed covers before rushing to his bedroom door. he sprinted down the stairs of his house.

"yeonjun, honey? what are you doing? i've told you so many times not to run down the stairs!" yeonjun's mother was seated comfortably on the living room couch, watching some cringey, cliché kdrama.

"i'm going to soobin's," yeonjun just shouted before hastily trying to get his shoes on. he then got his black puffy jacket as he knew it was cold outside.

"but i thought you already went? you just came back didn't you?" his mother questioned suspiciously.

"it's an emergency i have to go back. i'll text you, bye mom i love you." yeonjun slightly yelled so she would hear from the front door.

"i love you too, b-" she was cut off by the door to the house being slammed loudly. "i hope soobin is okay, he makes my little boy smile so much." his mother muttered to herself before pressing play on the drama she was watching again.

published-10 february 2023

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