23 | not yet

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a/n: i have a two week holiday now so i'll try to write and upload more. but otherwise i'll just stick to publishing whenever i feel like it😭

these haven't been checked through!

august 9th (like a month later)

"yeonjun! yeonjun wake up!" yeonjun eyes slowly drifted open as he heard his mother shaking him awake.
"wh-what is it mum? what time is it?" his voice was groggy from the lack of sleep.

"it's the hospital! it's about binnie!" these words suddenly made yeonjun jump up as he sat up with his eyes wide open. his mother was smiling, meaning that it was something good. is bin finally awake!
"what!" his eyes glowed with excitement, his heart beat suddenly rose due to the sudden increase of blood rushing through his veins. his body felt hotter, he felt warm on the inside because there was a new sense of hope in him, please be good news!

"they said we should go to the hospital, he's awake!"

yeonjun's world had stopped, his heart filled with joy, he couldn't help the happy tears flow from his eyes. he had waited so long, and now his patience had finally paid off. his love was back, he was awake!

at the hospital

yeonjun's body needed sleep but his mind was too excited, as they waited outside soobin's room. they had to wait until the doctor said they were allowed to go in.

"what did the doctor say on the phone?" yeonjun wanted to know all the little details about soobin.

"well they said, that his heart rate increased by a few pulses and they saw him move his fingers and body slightly. they said those were signs he was probably going to wake up in the next day or so." just those words made yeonjun smile with joy, he was so happy and exhilarated to be seeing soobin soon.

"i can't wait mom!" yeonjun smiled at his mother. chloe (a/n: i've finally decided on a name for yeonjun's mum after like 20 chapters) couldn't help but smile at her son, she knows how long he's been waiting. she was shocked at how yeonjun never failed to give up on soobin, he still loved the younger with all his heart even after almost nine months!

"you know what? i'm actually quite excited to meet your boyfriend." chloe teased while winking at yeonjun with a cheeky smile.
"he's not my boyfriend mum!" yeonjun got flustered from his mother's words.
"yeah, well not yet," she whispered, which made yeonjun's face go red. "aww, look at my baby blushing." she squeezed his cheeks with her fingers which made yeonjun cringe and back away from her with a pout on his face.

there messing around was disturbed by the doctor coming out of the room. his face was unreadable, but yeonjun and chloe hoped it was something good.

"i have some...news for the both of you." the doctor said with a straight face, "could you both come with me." he said before walking off towards the corridor.

yeonjun's body suddenly went cold, he didn't like the way the doctor sounded, did something happen? he suddenly felt anxious, he could feel his palms go sweaty with fear. chloe could sense yeonjun's fear so she grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers, the reassuring action calmed down yeonjun a little bit.

published-2 april 2023

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