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Friday Pov

"Wednesday and Friday are certainly unique names." Principle Weems said with a smile. "I'm guessing it was Wednesday the day both of you were born?" She asked making me and Wednesday look at each other.

"We was born on Friday the 13th." We said at the same time.

"There names come from the lines from my favorite nursery rhyme, 'Wednesday's child is full of woe' and 'Friday's child is loving and giving'." Mother said with a smile looking at us both.

"You always had a unique perspective on the world, Morticia." Principle Weems said making mother smile. "Did your mother tell you we were roommates back in the day?" She asked looking at me and Wednesday.

"And you graduated with your sanity intact?" I asked making her look at me unsettled.

"Impressive." Wednesday said looking at me.

"You've certainly had a very interesting educational journey." Principle Weems said looking in a folder. "Eight schools in five years." She said looking up at us.

"They haven't built one strong enough to hold us." Wednesday said making me smirk a bit.

"I bet this place won't be any different." I said looking at Wednesday making her nod a bit.

"What our daughters are trying to say is that they greatly appreciates the opportunity." Father said making me scoff.

"I don't I just got out of juvie today's." I said making Principle Weems look at me.

"Nevermore doesn't usually accept students mid-term, but given Wednesday and Friday's perfect grades and your family's long history with the school, I've spoken with the board and we've made an exception." Principle Weems said looking at me warily.

"Larissa, what about there, um... therapy sessions?" Mother asked making me snap my head towards him.

"Therapy?" I asked standing up but Wednesday pulled me back down. "I'm not staying here if I'm doing therapy." I said but she pulled me against her. "I'm not doing this." I said trying to get up.

Wednesday put my head in her lap with her hand on my mouth. I finally calmed down as she put her other hand on my head.

"The court ordered them." Mother added on once I was calm.

"Hmm. The school has a relationship with a therapist in Jericho." Principle Weems said looking at me. "They can meet twice a week." She added on as Wednesday looked down at me.

"Did you hear that, my little storm clouds?" Father asked making me look at him. "You're in excellent hands." He said making me huff.

"We'll see if she survives the first session." Wednesday said making me smirk.

"I've assigned you to your mother's old dorm." Principle Weems said making me look at her. "Ophelia Hall." She added on making me sit up.

"Refresh my memory." I said looking at Wednesday. "Ophelia's the one who kills herself after being driven mad by her family, correct?" I asked looking at my parents.

"Should we go meet your new roommate?" Principle Weems said making me sigh and fall back onto Wednesday's lap.

Mother, father and Principle Weems got up making me groan before standing up

"Do I have to come?" I asked as Wednesday stood up.

I jumped on Wednesday's back as I was much shorter than her. I put head on her shoulder as Wednesday followed Principle Weems.

"It's so...vivid." Mother said looking around the room.

We finally got to the room and I sunk down to the floor

"Howdy, roomies." A girl said with blue, pink and purple hair said.

"Wednesday, Friday this is Enid Sinclair." Principle Weems said as Wednesday pulled me up.

"Are you two feeling okay?" Enid asked looking at us. "You both look a little pale." She added on making me look at my hand.

"The two always look half-dead." Father said making me look between mine and Wednesday's hands.

"Welcome to Ophelia Hall." Enid said putting her arms out to Wednesday. "Not a hugger. Got it." She said putting her arms down as Wednesday stepped back.

"Please excuse our daughters. There allergic to color." Mother said as I looked at Enid's side of the room.

"Oh, wow. What happens to you?" Enid said making me look at Wednesday.

"We break out into hives and then the flesh peels off our bones." We said at the same time flatly.

"Luckily, we've special ordered your uniforms." Principle Weems said making me and Wednesday glance at each other. "Enid, please take Wednesday and Friday to the registrar's office to pick it up along with there schedule. Give them a tour along the way." Principle Weems said making Wednesday look at mother and father.

Wednesday grabbed my arm and pulled me with her so we was following Enid.

"Nevermore was founded in 1791 to educate people like us." Enid said as we walked through the halls. "Outcasts, freaks, monsters, fill in your favorite marginalized group here." She said listing each one." You can save the sanitized sales pitch." She added on with a shrug.

"We don't plan on staying long." I told her flatly.

"Why not?" Enid asked as we stopped in front of a glass cabinet.

"This was our parents' idea." Wednesday said as I looked at the picture inside of the cabinet.

"Oh look, there's mother smirking at us." I said making Wednesday look where I was pointing at.

"They've been looking for any excuse to send us here." I heard Wednesday tell Enid as I looked at the woman with bob. "It's all a part of their nefarious, yet completely obvious plan." Wednesday carried on as I zoned back in.

"What plan?" Enid said with a smile.

"To turn us into a version of themselves." I said making her nod a bit.

"In that case, perhaps you can clear something up. Rumor's been swirling around that you both have killed a kid at your old school, and your parents pulled strings to get you off." Enid said making me scoff.

"I was in juvie for one out of 4 I've killed." I said making Enid look at me unsettled.

"Actually, it was two kids, but who's counting?" Wednesday asked as we walked away.

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