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Friday Pov

We sat back down with a sigh glancing at each other.

"Therapy is a valuable tool to help you understand yourself." Dr. Kinbott told us. "It can teach you new ways to deal with your emotions." She continued making me scoff.

"Wednesday doesn't have emotions." I said making Wednesday look at me. "Prove me wrong." I said but she just looked back at Dr. Kinbott

"It can also help you build a life that you want." Dr. Kinbott said making sigh.

"I have the life that I want." Wednesday told her.

"Tell me about it." Dr. Kinbott said making me raise an eyebrow. "Everything said in these sessions is strictly confidential." She said making me scoff as I pulled out another lollipop. "Do your plans involve becoming an author?" She asked Wednesday making mrlaugh.

"Why and who told you she was writing a book?" I asked her with a small chuckle. "Cause I will hunt them down." I said being a million percent serious.

"I understand you've written three novels about a teen girl detective, Viper De La Muerte. Can you tell me about her?" Dr. Kinbott asked ignoring me.

"Viper is smart, perceptive, chronically misunderstood." Wednesday said as I checked the time on my phone.

"We have a clock." Dr. Kinbott said pointing at the clock.

"Friday can't concentrate on clocks unless it's Roman numerals." Wednesday said looking at the clock.

"Any luck getting your work published?" Dr. Kinbott asked Wednesday.

"Editors are short-sighted, fear-based life forms." Wednesday told her.

"One once described her writing as gratuitously morbid, and suggested she seek psychiatric help." I spoke up making Dr. Kinbott look at me.

"Ironic, isn't it?" Wednesday asked glancing at me.

"How did you take that?" Dr. Kinbott asked her.

"I sent her a 'thank you' in Wednesday's name." I said making them look at me. "What I thought it was funny." I said with a shrug.

"What kind of thank you did you send?" Dr. Kinbott asked me confused.

"A mouse trap." Wednesday said as I smirked.

"Which one of you is the older one?" Dr. Kinbott asked making me raise an eye brow.

"I thought you knew." I said making Wednesday look at me.

"I am." Wednesday said making Dr. Kinbott nod. "Friday's always been open to constructive criticism." She added on making me smirk.

"I'm glad to hear that." Dr. Kinbott said with a smile. "Because I was sent the manuscripts as part of your psych evaluation." She said making me sigh.

"Of course you were." I whispered to myself that only Wednesday heard.

"The relationship I found most intriguing was that of Viper and her mother, Dominica." Dr. Kinbott told her making me sigh. "Why don't we dig into that?" She asked looking at  Wednesday. "Part of this journey requires us going to uncomfortable places emotionally." She added on making me look at Wednesday.

"We don't travel well." Wednesday told her. "Friday hates it." She added on.

"Would you mind if I talked to Friday in the powder room first?" Wednesday asked getting up.

She grabbed my arm and we went to through the door Dr. Kinbott was gesturing to. We locked the door and I pointed to the window as we looked around.

"Wednesday? Friday? Is everything okay?" Dr. Kinbott asked as Wednesday accidentally knocked something over. "You can't hide for the rest of the session." She told us as I picked up what fell.

"We're all right. Just preparing ourself for our uncomfortable journey." Wednesday said as I went over to the window.

"I'll break it." I said raising my elbow to brake it.

Wednesday grabbed my arm shaking her head. She hit her backpack.

"Nail file." She said making me realise that Thing was in it.

She used the nail file to pick the lock on the window. She slid it open and slipped out before waiting for me to follow. We walked along the rooftops and I looked over the edge to see Principle Weems in her car on the phone. We slide down a pipe and watched Principle Weems car but I ran into someone.

I gasped as my head flew back. I started seeing flashes of images going pass. I saw a farmer with a snapped neck that had been in a accident. I snapped out of it to see the farmer is the one I bumped into.

"Who let you two out?" He asked looking at us. "You goddamn weirdos." He said with a scoff.

"You won't be say that in a minute. You won't be saying anything ever again." I said making him look at me confused.

"What did you see?" Wednesday asked as we walked away with him calling out to me.

"He gets into an accident. His neck snaps." I said making her hum.

We walked into a cafe and waited in front of the steam coming out of the espresso machine. I opened a lollipop as we was waiting.

"Holy crap!" The boy from behind the counter said seeing us. "Do you make a habit of scaring the hell out of people?" He asked in shock.

"It's more of a hobby." We said at the same time.

"You go to Nevermore." He said looking at us. "Didn't realize they changed the uniform." He muttered to himself.

"I need a quad over ice. It's an emergency." Wednesday told him. "It's four shots of espresso." She told him as he paused.

"Yeah, I... I know what a quad is, but, spoiler alert, the espresso machine's having a seizure, so all we have is drip." He stuttered out looking behind him.

"But drip is for people who hate themselves and know their lives have no real purpose or meaning." I said making the man back away from the drip.  "What's wrong with your machine?" I asked making him sigh.

"It's a temperamental beast with a mind of its own, and it doesn't help that the instructions are in Italian." He said before we went behind the counter.

I grabbed the instructions from his hands and turned to him.

"Wednesday needs a tri-wing screwdriver and a four-millimeter Allen wrench." I read out making him pass her the tools.

"Wait, you read Italian?" He asked me confused.

"Of course. It's the native tongue of Machiavelli." I told him with a shrug.

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