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Friday Pov

Me and Wednesday was now sat in Principle Weems office. I actually have no idea what she was going on about as I wasn't looking.

"That was a disaster. The mayor is furious!" I heard her shout though it was muffled. "I've lost count of the angry phone calls, emails, and people in the town, alumni and parents." She said as I tried to zone back in but I couldn't. "They want answers and so do I." She while I stared ahead of me.

"I would lead the inquisition, but I left my thumbscrews and rack at home." Wednesday said making Principle Weems sigh.

"Miss Addams and Miss Addams 2... you're both already on thin ice." She said looking between us then stopping her gaze once it landed on me. "Wafer-thin ice." She added on.

"I swear on my late scorpion's soul, our hands are clean." Wednesday told her putting her hands up.

"I may not have hard evidence, but I see both of you. You're trouble magnets." Principle Weems said

"One of you isn't even acknowledging me." She said making Wednesday turn to me.

"Friday?" Wednesday asked making me look at her.

"Yeah?" I asked making Principle Weems sigh. "I zoned out it happens." I said with a shrug.

"But if trouble means standing up to lies, decades of discrimination, centuries of treating outcasts like second-class citizens or worse..." I said looking at Principle Weems.

"What are you talking about?" She asked looking between us confused.

"Jericho." I said making her sigh. "Why does this town even have an Outreach Day? Don't you know its real history with outcasts? The actual story of Joseph Crackstone?" I asked her standing up.

"I do. To an extent." She said making me scoff.

"Then why be complicit in its cover up?" I asked as Wednesday pulled me down to sit.

"Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." Wednesday told her as I raised an eye brow.

"That's where you two and I differ." She said looking between us. "Where you see doom, I see opportunity. Maybe this is a chance to rewrite the wrongs, to start a new chapter in the normie-outcast relations." She continued on making me roll my eyes.

"Nothing has changed since Crackstone. They still hate us." We told her while I scoffed. "Only now they sugarcoat it with platitudes and smiles." We continued on as I sighed.

"If you're unwilling to fight for truth..." Wednesday said as we stood up.

"You don't think I want the truth? Of course I do. But the world isn't always black and white. There are shades of gray." Principle Weems said looking at both of us.

"Maybe for you. But it's either they write our story or we do. You can't have it both ways." We said at the same time making her sigh.

"You two are exhausting." She said making me smirk.

"We know." We told her before we opened her door to leave.

"Goodnight, Miss Addams and Miss Addams 2. But you should know... I don't tire easily." Principle Weems said as we left.

I was in Wednesday and Enid's room as she said she wanted to keep an eye on me. Enid was getting ready for a date with Ajax while Wednesday was typing away and I was on my phone.


"Too much?" Enid asked Wednesday holding something up

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"Too much?" Enid asked Wednesday holding something up.

"I feel like you just napalmed me, Enid." Wednesday told her with a sigh.

"So glad I have my date with Ajax tonight." Enid started to say as I rolled my eyes. "Get my mind off that trainwreck of an afternoon. I literally think I have PTSD. I didn't even get to do my dance routine." She wined as I got up.

"What a tragedy." I said heading for the door.

"What kind of twisted psycho would want to sabotage such a life-affirming event?" Enid asked as Wed pulled me back.

"You're going to be late." Wednesday told her as I sat back down.

"Wish me luck." Enid said making me sigh.

"If he breaks your heart, I'll nail-gun his." Wednesday said making me raise an eye brow.

(I don't believe in mandatory volunteer work, sugar-coated history, or happy endings, but most of all... I don't believe in coincidences.) I heard Wednesday say in her mind. (To paraphrase Agatha Christie, one coincidence is just a coincidence, two are a clue...) She continued having a conversation in her mind. (...and three are proof.) She finished off.
(Rowan's drawing of me or Friday and Crackstone happens sometime in the future. Goody Addams' warnings about Crackstone were in the past. And the monster is here in the present. Three coincidences that I know are connected. That monster could be anyone. The sheriff thinks they only exist behind the walls of this school. The truth is, there are monsters everywhere.) She started off again. (And sometimes the monsters we least suspect are the most dangerous.) She continued on as I was on my phone. (They don't need teeth and claws to terrify. They hide in the shadows until no one is looking. And then they strike. But I'm looking now. And I won't stop until I find the truth.)

"Why are you having a conversation in your mind and not to me about it?" I asked making her look at me. "Don't ask but yes I heard." I said making her roll her eyes.

She came and sat down next to me on her bed.

"Am I not here anymore?" I asked her with a raised eye brow. "I heard all of it. Also why don't you talk that much to me? Bro likes having conversations more in her head then to a real person." I said making her laugh a bit.

She lay down and pulled me with her. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close.


"Sorry about the other night

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"Sorry about the other night." She said with a sigh. "I didn't mean to slap you I was angry." She said making me raise an eye brow.

"I can read your thoughts. I was just waiting for you to say sorry." I said with a smirk.

"That's mean." She said making me laugh a bit. "You can sleep now." She said making me hum.

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