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Friday Pov

We was in Principle Weems office for some random reason. I was having a HUGE sugar rush.

"Our old yearbook." Mother said with a gasp. "I haven't laid eyes on this in over 20 years. Such good times we had, didn't we, Larissa?" She asked Weems with a small smile.

"Some of us better than others." Principle Weems said as I looked around.

"Oh, don't be so modest. You always filled a room with your presence. Like a stately sequoia tree." Mother told her as I stood next to Wednesday.

"And I guess that would make you the lumberjack." Principle Weems said as Wednesday looked at me.

"There's that biting sense of humor that I always adored." Mother said with a laugh.

"Are you two in love or something?" I asked bouncing in my place.

"Why are you bouncing in your seat?" Pugsley asked me confused.

"She's having her 50th sugar rush since we got here." Wednesday told him making me smirk.

"Yes where has Friday been getting her candy from?" Principle Weems asked our parents.

"We don't actually know. She's been pulling it out of her pockets since the girls second birthday." Father told her smirking a me.

"Do you remember when we did that duet for the Solstice Talent Show?" Mother asked Principle Weems going through the book. "Your Judy Garland impression was a dead ringer." She added on as I looked at the picture.

"Sounds positively suicidal." Wednesday said making me hum.

"My picture's gone." Mother said making me raise an eye brow.

"Really? Well, that is odd." Principle Weems told her with a shrug.

"May I borrow this for the weekend? That way Gomez and I can take a little walk down memory lane." Mother said looking at father while he growled.

That's it I'm going back to bed." I said heading for the door.

"All right. Let's get down to the matter at hand, shall we? Hmm?" Principle Weems asked with a smile. "Unfortunately, Wednesday's assimilation has been rocky at best." She said before Wednesday spoke up.

"Because I refuse to embrace the culture of dishonesty and denial permeating this school. Starting with the monster that killed Rowan and put Eugene in the ICU." She said while I pulled out a drop pop. "Although I do hear he's on the mend." She added on as Principle Weems smile dropped.

I pulled out a blue gatorade as Wednesday started to slowy walk forwards.

"We've always encouraged Wednesday and Friday to speak there minds. Sometimes there sharp tongues can cut deep." Father said glancing at me.

"Friday, however, is always seen with some kind of candy with her. We don't know where she gets it from or where she's hiding it the only thing I do know is that Wednesday has taken it off her before." Principle Weems said making me smirk.

"There's no harm being done though is there?" Father asked making me laugh a bit.

"What I'm trying to say is that Friday needs to cut back on it for a while." Principle Weems said with a sigh making me scoff.

"No way." I said making her sigh. "I'm not going around killing people so what harm am I doing?" I asked as Wednesday smirked slightly.

"She's also not afraid to show her attitude." Principle Weems assed on making me shrug.

"It's called being truthful unless you want me to lie about it." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"The girls therapist feels they hasn't been very open to the process. Their time together has not yielded the results we'd hoped." Principle Weems said making me roll my eyes.

"We're not lab rats." Wednesday told her making her sigh.

"Dr. Kinbott and I have spoken, and we both agree it would be most beneficial for you all to attend a family session this weekend." Principle Weems said making me and Wednesday turn to each other.

"No." We immediately said facing her.

"I thought that might be your reaction, but your parents can see the wisdom in it." Principle Weems said with her annoying smile.

"Um, not to side with the girls, but, um, we're only here for the weekend." Mother told her making me smirk.

"Oh, come on." Father said making us all look at him. "What can it hurt? To be honest, I've always been a big fan of head-shrinking." He said witha smile making me sigh.

"It's not that kind of head -shrinking, mon chéri." Mother said making his smile drop.

"Well, that is disappointing." He said making me roll my eyes. "But anything for our little girls." He said making my eyes widen.

"You've got to be kidding me." I said making Principle Weems glance at me.

We was now at Dr. Kinbott's office Pugsley was sat on the floor, I was sat in front of Wednesday on the floor with my head on her leg our parents was sat in the seats on both sides.

"So, who wants to start?" Dr. Kinbott asked making me chuckle.

"Could it be more awkward?" I asked making Wednesday pat my head.

"Maybe we can discuss what it's like having the girls away from home?" Dr. Kinbott said making me chuckle a bit.

"I mean, for me...it's been hard not having Wednesday or Friday around. I never thought I'd miss being waterboarded so much." Pugsley said with hesitation before I passed him a lollipop.

"Morticia, Gomez. How have you been coping?" Dr. Kinbott asked our parents.

"It's been torture for us too." Mother said as I chewed on my lollipop stick.

"Fortunately, my brother Fester's rack fits two people." Father said making me glance at him.

"Nothing like a good stretch to bring out the best in each other." Mother said looking into our fathers eyes.

"Querida mía." Our father said kissing mothers outstretched hand.

"Seriously why above my head?" I asked making them stop. "And really you was making out with her hand?" I asked as they pulled apart. "I'm leaving if they do that again." I warned Dr. Kinbott who nodded slightly. "I think it's high time our parents faced the music." I said standing up with Wednesday.

"It seems they've been lying to us. Keeping secrets. Murderous secrets that need to be addressed." Wednesday said as we stood next to Dr. Kinbott.

I pulled out the file and gave it to Wednesday.

"Who was Garrett Gates, and why are you accused of murdering him?" I asked getting straight the the point.

"Whoa." Pugsley said in shock with wide eyes.

"Those charges were dropped. Your father is an innocent man." Mother told us getting up.

"Local Sheriff doesn't seem too convinced." Me and Wednesday said at the same time.

"Wednesday, stop. This is neither the time nor the place." Mother said as father got up.

"Actually, this is exactly the place. These sessions are..." Dr. Kinbott began till I cut her off.

"Doctor. This does not concern you." I said making her go silent.

"I refuse to debate a decades-old witch-hunt with you two right now." Mother said making me scoff.

"Darling, maybe we should..." Father began to say as mother headed towards the door.

"No. This session is over." Mother told us making me raise an eye brow.

"Have it your way, Mother." We said making Dr. Kinbott look at us.

"Wednes... Wednesday? Friday?" Dr. Kinbott stuttered out.

"If you refuse to tell us the truth, we'll just have to excavate it ourself." I told her walking out behind Wednesday.

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