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Friday Pov

"Nobody's ever stood up for me before." Eugene told Wednesday after she cleaned him up.

"You said Hummers stick together." Wednesday said as pulled out a brain licker.

"I know this might come as a shock, but I don't have any friends." Eugene told us making me raise an eyebrow as he admitted to it.

"You remind me of our brother, sans the desire to strangle him every waking moment." I said making Wednesday look at me. "You don't want to do that?" I asked making sigh a bit.

"Now follow me." Wednesday said getting up. "I need to know more about this Crackstone. We have a meeting house to break into." She said as we walked towards it.

We got to it and she turned to Eugene.

"Give me your retailer." She told him putting her hand out.

"What? Why? Your teeth are really good." He asked her confused making me sigh. "Not as straight or white as Enid's, but..." He continued till I melted the lock. "What if Mistress Arlene catches us?" He asked with a sigh. 

"Hive code, deny everything." Wednesday told him as I sighed.

"That's not hive code! What's the big deal anyway?" He asked her confused. "The fudge is definitely the best thing about this place." He added making me roll my eyes.

"Stop talking. Keep watch." I demanded as me and Wednesday went inside.

(My grandmother once told me secrets are like zombies... they never truly die. I'm not sure what secret Crackstone is hiding, but I have a strange feeling the answers to my future lie in the past. The Old Meeting House, 1625.) I heard Wednesday think as we looked around stopping at a painting.

"Wednesday." I said catching her attention. "This is the girl from the vision. She's even holding the same book." I said pointing at the girl standing away from the others.

"That black one she had outside Crackstone's crypt." We said at the same time.

"This is the book!" I called out to Wednesday as we looked around.

(Codex Umbrarum.) She thought pulling it out of the display case.

"That's Latin for 'Book of Shadows'." I told Thing who was out of Wednesday's bag. "Great. It's a fake." I said as Wednesday opened it.

"I don't know who Etsy is, but I doubt she was an outcast settler." Wednesday said as she looked at the back.

"Etsy isn't a person it's a shopping website." I told her confused as the door opened.

"Just what the fudge are you two doing in here?" The woman from before asked as we turned around.

"Mistress Arlene. How now?" Wednesday asked as I rolled my eyes.

"How now indeed." She said pulling Eugene in.

"I proclaimed the meeting house is under repair. I know thousts heard me." She said looking between us both.

"I told her the door was unlocked and you were dying to learn more about Crackstone." Eugene said making me roll my eyes.

"Yes, and this display case was already open." Wednesday told her  definitely not holding the book.

"That book's a replica." Arlene said looking at the book Wednesday was holding.

"You don't say." I told her sarcastically.

"The original was stolen last month during the two o'clock witch trial." She told us making me raise an eyebrow.

"It was probably the only authentic thing you have in here, yet you still charge $29.95 a ticket?" I asked making her glance at me.

"Hold thy tongues." She told me and Wednesday. "I'm reassigning you three." She said making me roll my eyes. "To fudge-churning duty." She added on making Eugene sigh disappointed.

"The original meeting house, the one in that painting, where is it?" I asked glancing at the painting.

"How the hell should I know?" She asked me with a sigh. "I only moved here from Scottsdale in April." She admitted making me roll my eyes.

"I lied. I'm not getting my stitches out yet. Maybe in a week I just didn't want to turn my phone off or wear one of your ridiculous costumes." I added on with a fake smile.

Wednesday changed back into her uniform and we left Pilgrim World.

"I thought you were supposed to be at Pilgrim World." Xavier said as we walked into the cafe.

"It's shit." I said making Wednesday sigh.

"We deserted it while our sanity was still intact." Wednesday said making me scoff.

"Oh yeah? You want a coffee? It's one of the many perks of this wonderful assignment." Xavier asked making me nod handing him my flask.

"We're here for Tyler." Wednesday said as Xavier filled up my flask after I told him what I wanted.

"Swap it for two tens then keep one ten and the change." I told him handing over twenty dollars.

I got one ten back and he kept the rest like I said.

"I told you he was bad news." Xavier said looking at us.

"Twice." I added on with a shrug.

"But who we speak to is our business." Wednesday said making me look at her.

"Exactly so it doesn't matter if I speak to Bianca then." I said as I rang the bell.

I rang it multiple times till Tyler moved it away from me once he came out.

"Want the usual?" Tyler asked Wednesday glancing at me.

"And some help." Wednesday admitted to him

"You know the original pilgrim meeting house, the one from the 1600s?" I asked as Wednesday went to the table closer to us.

"You know if it's still around?" Wednesday asked as she put a map down.

"What's left is out in Cobham Woods, but it's pretty much a ruin." Tyler said with a shrug.

"Show us." I said gesturing to the map.

"There, but, look, it's kind of sketchy." He said pointing to somewhere on the map. "Squatters and meth heads use that place as a crash pad." He said making me sigh. "My dad has it cleared out every couple weeks. What's this about?" He asked looking at us.

"Non of your business." I said making him scoff.

"You're becoming obsessed with this monster in the woods thing." He told Wednesday as I rolled my eyes.

"Would you rather we develop an obsession with horses and boy bands?" Wednesday asked him picking up the map  as I sigh. "Thank you for the help." She added on as we started to walk out while I drank some of my coffee.

"Hey, listen, the ruins are kind of tricky to find." Tyler said making me raise an eye brow as we stopped. "I could take you both this afternoon. My shift ends at 2:00." He said as I pulled out my phone.

"Principal Weems would hang, draw and quarter us if we miss the big statue dedication." I said rolling my eyes.

"And as enticing as that sounds, I'd prefer to keep a low profile." Wednesday told making him sigh.

"Besides, we know our way around the great outdoors." We said at the same time.

"Don't tell me you were Girl Scouts." Tyler said with a small laugh.

"I could eat Girl Scouts for breakfast." Wednesday told him making me remember something.

"We have an uncle who went to prison for that." I told Wednesday making her nod.

We walked out of the cafe and made our way to the ruins of the original pilgrim meeting house.

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