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Friday Pov

I was having a major sugar rush but right now me and Wednesday was in Dr. Kinbott's office.

"Help me understand why you claim you witnessed a murder." She asked looking at us both. "Was it to gain attention?" She asked making me scoff.

"I hate people why would I want their attention?" I asked her rolling my eyes.

"Why should we bother telling you anything?" Wednesday asked her. "You've already decided we're lying. We know what we saw." She told her as I got up.

"Friday what are you doing?" Dr. Kinbott asked me confused.

"She has a sugar rush." Wednesday told her as I gave her a thumbs up.

"It gets ride of the pain from the stitches and I don't do pills." I said pointing to the back of my head.

"Stitches?" She asked glancing at Wednesday.

"Whatever killed Rowan threw her into a tree." Wednesday told her as I looked around the room.

"Your lives had a lot of upheaval recently. It's okay to be confused about things." Dr. Kinbott said watching me and glancing at Wednesday.

"Don't try and lure us into one of your psychological traps." I said looking around her room.

"No one is trying to trap you." Dr. Kinbott said with a sigh. "I'm here to help you process your emotions." She said with a smile as Wednesday pulled me down next to her.

"Emotions are a gateway trait." Me and Wednesday said at the same time. "They lead to feelings, which trigger tears." We added on making Dr. Kinbott look between us both. "We don't do tears." We added on making her look at me.

"I might smirk, laugh and all that jazz but I haven't had a reason to cry." I said making her nod a bit unsettled.

"Tell me how you're adjusting to school." Dr. Kinbott said dismissing what I said.

"Sartre said, 'Hell is other people'." Wednesday said confusing Dr. Kinbott.

"He was her first crush." I said pulling out a packet of blue candy floss.

"Wednesday, Part of the reason your parents sent you to Nevermore is so you could find your people. Become part of a larger community." Dr. Kinbott said with a sigh.

"I like being an island." Wednesday said as I checked the time. "A well-fortified one surrounded by sharks." She added making me gasp.

"If you ever do that take me with you. I love sharks." I told Wednesday making Dr. Kinbott uneasy.

"Have any of you considered your antisocial tendencies might be motivated by fear of rejection?" She asked looking between us.

"If you were to reject us, we would not be upset." I said as she smiled a bit.

"You can't get rid of me that easily." Dr. Kinbott said making me roll my eyes. "And look, you both made it through an entire session without trying to escape. I'll take that as a win." She said with a smile.

"I was asleep for the first half an hour but let's go." I said grabbing Wednesday's arm.

We left as she called out my name but I pretended I didn't hear her.

"Guess you decided to stick around Jericho." Tyler said as Wednesday closed the door. "Wait, you see Dr. Kinbott too?" He asked as Wednesday turned around.

"You should know we're legally required to be here." Wednesday said making me scoff.

"If we weren't I don't think we would be here." I said making Wednesday look at her. "I probably won't but your you so you might." I said pulling out a ring pop as we started to walk.

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