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Friday Pov

We managed to sneak out of Xavier's room but Wednesday won't talk to me. I stopped trying to talk to her 10 minutes after trying when I realised she wasn't going to crack.

We went into the room to see Enid crying. I went to the balcony as Enid spoke to Wednesday ignoring me. I realised she only spoke to Wednesday but I was there so she looked at both of us. I sat on the edge of the balcony with my legs to my chest. I looked out over the view not listening to Enid and Wednesday talking.

I got down and went inside but left the room. I went to Principle Weems office and knocked on.

"Can I move dorms?" I asked after she said I could go in.

"Is there a problem?" She asked as I looked down.

"She thinks I just follow her around and won't talk to me as we over heard a conversation about us." I said making her nod.

She followed behind me to the room I shared with Enid and Wednesday. She helped me grab my bags then take them to a spare room. After she left Wednesday came in.

"Why are you here?" She asked looking around.

"Why wouldn't you speak to me? Is that really how you feel?" I shouted at her. "All because of what Bianca said?" I screamed so she slapped me.

"Friday." She said shocked at herself.

"Get out." I whispered with tears in my eyes. "GET OUT!" I screamed at her pushing her towards the door.

I slammed the door in her face before sliding down it. I put my head in my hands with my legs up to my chest. I heard her footsteps slowly walk away as I broke down.
I heard a knock on the door and opened it to see Bianca.

"What happened to you?" She asked making me scoff.

"You did you ruined it." I shouted at her. "We heard what you said about us." I said making her sigh.

She pulled me into a hug and I continued to shout at her. We slid down to the floor with me crying in her arms.

"She hates me." I told her as she rocked me. "I don't know what went wrong with us." I cried out as we heard footsteps.

We turned to see Principle Weems stood there. She smiled and closed the door before she left.

"Come on." Bianca said getting up and putting her hand out.

She told me the plan for the poe Cup so I told her Enid's and Wednesday's plan. I heard them talking about it as Bianca told me hers.

"I'll help from the dock." I said making her nod. "Thing hates warm water." I said with a laugh as she laughed.

We said our goodnights before she left and I got in bed. I face planted onto the bed as I can't sleep on my back because of my head as well as because sleeping on my stomach is more comfortable.

I woke up to Bianca at the door so I got up. I changed my uniform before opening the door.



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