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Friday Pov


I woke up to see that Wednesday had gone

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I woke up to see that Wednesday had gone. I checked the time then saw a note on her desk. I went to my room and got changed then went to the town morgue. I saw Wednesday had just arrived and went under the shutter with her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked making her turn to me.

"Why are you here?" She asked making me hold the note up.

"I seeing the monsters victims. They're hasn't been anything about it." She said making me nod with a sigh. "While we do the autopsy, you find the files of the monster's other victims and make copies." She told Thing as we walked towards the body cooler things.

"Don't pout. Your scalpel skills are questionable." I told him as he began to tap. "Do you remember our 13th birthday, when Uncle Fester gave us cadaver each? You sliced right through that man's carotid." I said before he left.

"No." Wednesday said looking through the draws. "No." She said looking through another one.

She opened other draw and inhaled.

"Magnificent hematoma." She said as I walked over. "There you are." She said as I looked at it.

"That's the dude from the ruins of the original meeting house." I said making her nod.

"Thursday, 7:23 p.m. The body is that of a 50-year-old male." She said into a recorder thing. Lacerations and defensive wounds appear on both hands. "What remains of the chest and torso indicates a frenzied attack." She continued as I went to help thing. "Subject has been almost entirely disemboweled." She added on pulling out the table more.

"This is curious. Subject's left foot is missing. It appears to have been chewed off at the ankle." She said as me and Thing went back to her.

"Have you seen a left foot anywhere?" She asked making me shake my head.

"A car has pulled up outside." I said making her sigh. "It's the sheriff with the Doc." I added on making her nod.

I climbed into one of the floor vents while Thing climbed into one at the top. I don't know where Wednesday hid but I couldn't check as the Sheriff walked in with the Doctor of the morgue.

"Appreciate you coming back to the office, Doc." The Sheriff said as I laid my head on my arms.

"No problem, Sheriff. Whatever I can do to help. Whatever or whoever is responsible for these killings..." He explained with a sigh. "In all my years, I've never seen injuries like them." He said making me roll my eyes.

(Why does adults start or end conversions like that?) I asked in my mind confused.

(Because they want you to feel guilty for something that's entirely different to the subject. Sometimes, like this situation, they want to add something to prove a point that doesn't work.) She said from wherever she is.

(Where are you by the way?) I asked her in my head.

(The freezer.) She said making snort a bit.

"What was that?" The Sheriff asked looking around.

"I don't know. This is a morgue there is random noises that happened." The morgue Doctor told him.

(I know that was you. Don't make another noise.) Wednesday said making me roll my eyes.

"I thought you should see this before I issued my report on the latest victim." The Doctor told the Sheriff. "It's a real noodle -scratcher. The killer cut off two toes from the victim's left foot. Best guess, they used a surgical saw. The final autopsy report's still pending." He continued on with a sigh.

"Minute you're done, send it straight to my desk. Media blackout on the toes." The Sheriff demanded as I saw one of the metal doors was open to the freezer thing.

(Why the fuck are you in the freezer?) I asked her in my mind confused trying not to laugh.

(It was the closest thing.) She said as I continued to hold in my laughter.

"I don't remember this one coming in." The morgue Doctor said opening the draw to Wednesday. "Full rigor. You've been dead a while." He said making me snort as he touched her face. "Guess you won't mind waiting another day for me to cut you open." He said pushing it back in.

He left the room and I heard him drive away before I started to laugh getting out of the vents.

I went over and opened it as she looked at me unimpressed.

"Surprised you didn't give him a heart attack after he touched your face." I said with a laugh. "Let's go it's all printed.

I took the papers out of my bag waving them in her face.

"Five more minutes. I was just getting comfortable." She said making me scoff.

"You can see what an autopsy feels like then." I told her going to shut the door.

She grabbed my arm and I pulled the table out so she could get out. I closed the door and we left the morgue.

We went back to her room and she hung the pictures on a cork board. Enid walked in to see me on Wednesday's bed.

"When I suggested giving your side of the room a makeover, I did not have Ted Bundy's Pinterest in mind." Enid said making me look at her.

"Still not as creepy as your stuffed unicorn collection." I said making her glance at me.

"Is this why you snuck out last night?" Enid asked Wednesday making me scoff.

I laid on my back and pulled out my phone.

"Thing, Friday and I made an unsanctioned trip to the morgue to copy the files of the monster's victims." Wednesday told her as I went on Pinterest.

"Ted Bundy's Pinterest is nothing like what's on the board." I said making Enid glance at me. "It is cool though." I said with a shrug.

"Okay, there are so many levels of ew in them statements, I don't know where to begin." Enid said looking between us.

"I need to get inside its head. Discover any patterns or anomalies." Wednesday told Enid. "We've already made a big discovery. Turns out all of the monster's victims have had body parts surgically removed." She added on grabbing the pictures. "The first one a kidney, the second a finger..." She continued on passing Enid the pictures.

"Wednesday, I don't feel..." Enid began to tell her panting.

Wednesday walked over to the board to grab another picture.

"Third a gall bladder." She continued to tell her. "And the bearded man from the meeting house, two toes." She added on as Enid turned as pale as us. "Do you understand what this means?" She asked her before turning to the board. "These murders aren't mindless. He's collecting trophies like a seasoned serial killer. It's impressive, actually." She said as Enid collapsed in the middle of it.

She looked at where Enid was standing before looking down. Enid lay there passed out.

"She must be afraid of blood?" I suggested confused after Wednesday turned to me.

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