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Friday Pov

"Friday doesn't have one why is that?" Wednesday asked making mother look at her.

"Friday has a cat, two lemurs and a tiger for pets. But I have got her something." Mother said before being passed a box. "Here." She said passing it to me. "Open it." She insisted making me sigh.

I pulled out a few notebooks with quills and ink.

"Anyway I'm told girls your age say hurtful things, and I shouldn't take it to heart." Mother said making me scoff.

"Fortunately, you don't have one." I said making her smile.

"Finally, a kind word for your mother." She said confusing me.

"The Crystal ball is in Friday's bag." Mother told Wednesday as I put the lid on the box. "We can't talk to you for the first week while you're settling in, so we'll call you next Sunday." She said making me nod.


We was now in our room and Wednesday was scraping the colourful window stickers off the window

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We was now in our room and Wednesday was scraping the colourful window stickers off the window. I was lying on the floor dying my tongue blue and on my phone.

"What the hell did you do to my room?" Enid asked coming into the room.

"Dividing our room equally." Wednesday said empathising our as she moved the stickers in Enid's side.

"It looks like a rainbow vomited on your side." I said making her look at me.

"Silence would be appreciated." Wednesday said as Enid was about to say something. "This is my writing time." She added on confusing Enid.

"Your writing time?" She asked looking at me.

"I devote an hour a day to my novel." Wednesday said as she began to type away on her typewriter. "Perhaps if you did the same, your vlog might be coherent." She told Enid as I rolled onto my stomach.

"I've read serial killer diaries with better punctuation." I said making Wednesday look at me.

"I write in my voice. It's my truth. It's what my followers love." Enid said defending herself.

"Your followers are imbeciles." Wednesday said turning to her making her scoff. "They respond to your stories with insipid little pictures." She added on standing in front of her.

"Uh, you mean, emojis?" Enid asked her confused. "It's how people express their feelings. I realize that's a foreign concept to you." She explained making me look at her.

"When I look at you, the following emojis come to mind. Rope, shovel, hole." Wednesday said as I got up.

"By the way, there are two D's in Addams." I said making Enid look at me. "If you're going to gossip about us, at least spell our name correctly." I said as Enid turned on a music player.

"Turn that off." I said covering my ears.

"This is your final warning." Wednesday said stepping forward.

"Don't mess with me." Enid said as colourful claws came out. "This kitty's got claws, and I'm not afraid to use them." She said making me scoff as she turned the music off.

"Good evening, girls." A woman said making me turn to the door. "Oh, sorry about the mud." She said looking at the floor. "I wanted to make sure that Wednesday and Friday was settling in." She said looking up. "Ah. Is this a bad time?" She asked as Enid's claws disappeared. "I'm Ms. Thornhill, your dorm mom." She said making me look at Wednesday. "Apologies, I wasn't here to greet you when you arrived." She said looking between us. "I trust Enid has given you the old Nevermore welcome." She said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"She's been smothering us with hospitality." Wednesday began making her nod. "We hope to return the favor." She said glancing at me.

"In her sleep." I said making her not a bit unsettled.

"Well, here's a little welcome gift from my conservatory." She said passing me and Wednesday a flower pot. "I try to match the right flower to each of my girls." She explained looking at us. "When I read your personal statement in your application, I immediately thought of these ones." She said as I looked at the black roses in my hands.

Black roses:

"You thought of death when reading my file?" I asked her with a raised eye brow

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"You thought of death when reading my file?" I asked her with a raised eye brow. "How?" I asked before remembering. "Never mind." I said as she turned to Wednesday.

"The black dahlia." Wednesday said looking at me.

"You two know it?" Ms Thornhill asked surprised.

"It's named after her favourite unsolved murder." I spoke up making her look at me.

"Thank you." Wednesday said making the teacher nod.

"Okey-dokey. Before I leave, I want to go over a few house rules." Ms Thornhill said making me sigh. "Lights off at 10:00, no loud music, and no boys, ever." She said as Wednesday looked at me.

"What's the story about going into the local town?" Me and Wednesday asked at the same time.

"Passes to Jericho are a privilege, not a right." She said making me sigh. "It's a brisk 25-minute walk, or there's a shuttle on weekends." She said added on. "The locals are a tad bit wary about Nevermore, so please don't go making any waves, or perpetuating any outcast stereotypes." She said looking at us. "That means keep your claws to yourself, and no smothering people in their sleep. Are we clear?" She said looking between us.

She left the room and I jumped onto Wednesday's bed next to the desk. She looked over at me a couple times during her writing. I got into my bed and put my phone on charge. Enid was asleep and had been for a while so once Wednesday was done she turned the light off.

"What happened a month ago from today?" I asked Wednesday knowing she wasn't asleep.

"A vision." She told me sitting up. "I get them too." She said making me sigh.

"How long have you had them for?" I asked her sitting up.

"One month and a week." She said lying back down.

I laid back down a few moments later and closed my eyes.

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