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Friday Pov

"We're going to a bee hive." I told Wednesday as we walked away.

"Are you interested in the ancient art of beekeeping?" The boy asked looking at us. "Eugene. Eugene Ottinger. Founder and president of the Nevermore Hummers." He introduced himself.

"Wednesday, Friday." Wednesday introduced pointing at me.

"Are we late or is it only you?" I asked him with a raised eye brow.

"The hive life isn't for everyone." He said with a shrug. "Most kids are afraid of venomous insects. Are you willing to feel the sting?" He asked weirding me out as Wednesday smirked.

"That's a strange way to put it." I said making Wednesday agree. "You can't agree with me you smirked." I said pointing at her.

She went inside the shed to get a be net thing on while I stayed outside.

"Bees have been producing honey in the same way for 150 million years." Eugene explained as I saw Thing. "They're nature's perfect community. All working together to achieve a common goal." He continued as I hit Wednesday's shoulder. "Fun fact, it's also one of the few ecosystems in which females dominate. From the queen bee to her workers. There's no patriarchy in the hive!" We heard him say as we left.

We went back to the school and Wednesday grabbed my arm seeing Rowan near a car.

"Rowan! We need to talk." Wednesday said as we got over there.

"Wednesday, I'm not allowed to speak to anyone." He said making me raise an eyebrow.

"You had a lot to say when you tried to kill us. You also made me have stitches you asshole." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Told us we was destined to destroy the school, remember? Where did you get that drawing?" Wednesday asked as I put my arms down.

"I just went into the woods to clear my head." Rowan said making me scoff. "Then you came after me following Friday." He said as Ms Thornhill came over.

"Wednesday, Friday." She said as I pulled out a lollipop. "You shouldn't be here." She said looking at us both.

"Yeah, back off and leave me alone." Rowan said making my eye brows furrow.

"That's not Rowan." I said making Wednesday look at me.

"I know." She said as we watched the car leave.

"We just need to find out who it is." I said making her agree.

Time skip

Me and Wednesday was in Ms Thornhill's class.

"How do you lose him in a bathroom with no windows?" Wednesday asked Thing making him sign. "A lefty wouldn't have failed us." She said making me snigger. "Don't sulk. I'm going to have to find new evidence myself, since you lost our only lead." She said as I saw Bianca.

"I see you finally made a friend. Even if it is a plant." Bianca said confusing me.

"She goes for quality over quantity. Also I didn't realise that I was invisible." I said making her look at me.

The class began and everyone takes there seats.

"There's an two open spots next to me. If you can stand sitting that close to an elitist snob." Xavier said making Wednesday look at me.

I just shrugged at her then followed her. She sat in the middle while Xavier drew something. He put his hand over it and the spider came to life.

"I doubt Wednesday and Friday are impressed by your tricks, Mr. Thorpe." Ms Thornhill said making the class laugh.

"Admit it, you're a little impressed." Xavier said just for Wednesday to smash the spider turning it to dust.

"Oh yeah?" I asked as everyone laughed watching us. "I can do that too." I said pulling out my notebook.

I flipped the page I drew Thing on with his middle finger up and did what he did. Thing then came out of my page and stuck his middle finger up. The class laughed as Wednesday shook her head.

"That's impressive you can get rid of it now." Xavier said making me roll my eyes.

"That's Thing he's part of the family." I said showing him my drawing that was still there.

"He's our pet." Wednesday said as Thing climbed on my shoulder and into my bag.

"Where is it's body?" Bianca asked making me shrug.

"That's a mystery not even the Addams can solve." Me and Wednesday said at the same time.

"Wednesday, Friday, we're thrilled to have you both join us on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants." Ms Thornhill said as I pulled out a drink.

"Can you open this for me?" I whisper asked Wednesday passing it to her.

She opened it and passed it back to me.

"Miss can I move?" A kid from behind me asked.

"Why? What's wrong with the one your in now?" She asked him with a sigh.

"He's squeamish and Friday has stitches." Xavier told the teacher who looked at me.

"Why do you have stitches Ms Addams 2?" Ms Thornhill asked making me gasp.

"Because Rowan is a bitch." I asked with a shrug. "Also why am I the Ms Addams 2?" I asked her offended.

"Who's the older one?" She asked making me scoff.

"Wednesday but only two hours older." I said making some of the class laugh.

"That's why." Ms Thornhill said making me scoff.

"I could take my hair out and cover the stitches though." I suggest making her nod with a sigh.

I took my plaits out and ran my hands through it covering the stitches. I turned around to the boy behind me.

"Is that good enough for you?" I asked him with a raised eye brow.

He nodded his head as I turned back around to face Ms Thornhill.

"Can you put these on your wrist so I don't forget them?" I whisper asked Wednesday.

She put her hand out for them so I put them on her wrist.

"Now... who can tell us the name of this beauty?" Ms Thornhill asked making Bianca put her hand up.

"Dendrophylax lindenii." Me and Wednesday said at the same time as I leaned back

"Otherwise known as the ghost orchid. First discovered on the Isle of Wight in 1854." I continued on before drinking my drink.

"Very good, Wednesday and Friday." Ms Thornhill said with a smile. "You may have competition for first chair, Bianca." She said as the class snickered. "Wednesday, Friday perhaps you can identify the ghost orchid's greatest qualities." She said looking at us both.

"Resilience and adaptability." I said before looking at Bianca seeing she was about to talk. "Bianca shut it." I said making her look at me.

"It's able to thrive in even the most hostile environments." Wednesday continued on.

"But its mere presence can change the ecosystem, causing the established plants to reject it." I said interrupting Bianca.

"Usually because the native species is allowed to thrive unchecked." Wednesday said as I looked at Bianca.

"Nothing a Weedwacker couldn't fix." I added on making Bianca sigh.

"You can most certainly try." Bianca said making me scoff.

"Are we still talking about flowers?" Xavier asked making the class laugh.

"No I'm talking about slashing Bianca's throat but she could certainly try using her siren voice." I said making the class laugh.

"Rights that's enough Miss Addams 2." Ms Thornhill said making me sigh. "Clearly the plants aren't the only carnivores in class today." She said with a smile.

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