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Friday Pov

We was now waiting outside of the school for mother and father. They couldn't keep their hands to themselves and I was getting ready to leave them. I could just grab the car keys and leave them all at Nevermore while I escaped on my own. Now that I think of it I wonder why Wednesday never thought of stealing Principle Weems keys and driving off. I was about to ask her that but mother came over to us.

"Don't push it." Wednesday warned Pugsley who was hugging her.

He let her go and came over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and I hugged him back.

"Don't tell Wednesday but your my favourite sister." He whispered making me smirk as he pulled away.

He stood back next to our parents who was watching us.

"Well, at least we can't say Parents Weekend wasn't a nail-biter." Father said with a laugh while mother smiled slightly.

"We knew you didn't have what it takes to be a murderer." We told father at the same time while.

"As much as that stings, gracias, my little death trap and thunder storm." He said pulling me into a hug (Thank you).

"As I leafed through the pages of this yearbook, I was reminded of all the wonderful times I had here." Mother said stepping towards us. "But they were just that. Mine." She said looking between us handing over the yearbook. "You two have your own paths to blaze." She said making me glance at Wednesday. "I don't want to be a stranger in your lifes, darlings. If you need me for anything, anything at all, I'm only a crystal ball away." She said making me smile.

"Thank you, mother." Wednesday said making her smile slightly.

She got into the car and I waited for it to start to tell Wednesday something.

"I'm Pugsley's favorite sister." I told her with a smirk watching them drive away.

Wednesday opened the year book and I looked over her shoulder.

"I knew it." She said with a slight smirk.

"Told you." I told her pulling out a lollipop.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me to Principle Weems office. She flung the door open startling the blonde woman.

"We did witness Rowan getting murdered that night." Wednesday announced confusing her.

"Excuse me?" Principle Weems asked us as if we just told her we murdered someone.

"When Rowan appeared the next morning, it was you." Wednesday told her putting down the book.

"When you participated in the talent show, not only did you impersonate Judy Garland, you became her." I said before looking at Wednesday.

"You're a shape-shifter." She added on while I smirked.

"That's a fascinating theory." Principle Weems said with a small scoff.

"I'm curious to find out how Sheriff Galpin feels when we tell him." Wednesday threatened as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You won't tell a soul, Miss Addams and Miss Addams 2." She said just as I pulled out my phone.

"Once click is all it takes." I told her showing the message. "Once Enid has a hold of it, it will be around the whole town in a few seconds." I said before she goes to grab it just for me to move out the way.

"It wouldn't matter much if you did. Rowan's father already knows what happened, and he fully supports my decision not to involve the authorities." Principle Weems said sitting back in her seat.

"Why would he agree to that?" Wednesday asked her confused.

"Because Rowan was not in his right mind." She told us with a sigh. "His telekinetic abilities were driving him mad and he attempted to murder you twice. His tragic death allowed us to rectify the situation without casting the school or Rowan in an unflattering light." She explained sitting up in her seat.

"You and Mayor Walker are the same, aren't you?" Wednesday asked her with a slight scoff.

"Burying bodies to cover your dirty secrets." I continued on with a shrug. "But it also doesn't mean she won't go to prison for covering it up." I told Wednesday with a smirk.

"I did what I needed to do to shield this school from controversy and protect its students from harm." Principle Weems said looking between us both.

"Tell that to Eugene." Wednesday told her glancing at me. "How are you protecting him?" She asked her with her 'angry' voice.

Really her angry voice is her normal voice with a darkened glare. To be honest if it wasn't a serious conversation I would had laughed. To me when she 'darkens her glare' it's funny as she thinks it scares people off. If it 'scares them off' why do they talk to her? I will never know the answer.

"You know no one in that town is normal right." I told Principle Weems once Wednesday walked out.

"What?" She asked me slightly irritated.

"That town gets the recourses out of a school full of 'outcasts' which they apparently hate." I said using finger quotes as she sighed. "If they did hate everyone in here like they say they do they would do the normal thing and not accept anything as for all they know we could all quite literally kill them with it." I said with a shrug as she sighed in annoyance. "One day something is going to come out the dark and bite them so hard in the ass they'll have to turn to us to help them so they don't die." I said with a shrug going to leave her office. "Also the reason the murder charges on my father was dropped 30 years ago because Garrett died from nightshade poisoning and the Mayor that was the Sheriff back then knew that so he didn't try put an innocent man in jail especially after Ansel Gates confessed to planning it. The nightshade poisoning in Garrett's pocket was going to kill everyone at the Rave'N as he was going to put it in the punch." I started explaining making her eyes go wide. "Also, it was my mother that stabbed Garrett." I added on before leaving her in her office questioning all her life choices.

I slammed the doors shut then pulled out a brain licker as I walked down the corridor. I decided to go up to Wednesday's dorm to see her writing.

"You almost done writing your book?" I asked her sitting on her bed.

"Few pages left." She said glancing at me. "Why did you stay behind?" She asked me suspicious.

"To kill her." I told her being sarcastic while rolling my eyes. "I was making sure she didn't trust the apparent 'normies' in that town." I told her using finger quotes. "No one in that town is normal." I said with a scoff rolling my eyes.

She went back to typing away on her typewriter. I pulled out my phone before remembering a question I wanted to ask her.

"I have a question." I said making her look at me. "Why didn't we take Principle Weems car keys to leave the town?" I asked making her pause. "I mean she wouldn't have found us if we stole her car or even just the keys to." I said as she started thinking.

"I didn't think as far as that." She admitted making me laugh a bit.

"I just thought of it before." I told her with a shrug. "Right I'll be leaving, adios." I told her leaving her room (goodbye).

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