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Friday Pov

A few hours later me and Wednesday was stood, well Wednesday was standing I was sat on the ground, in front of the now burnt grass. I thought it looked cool while it was on fire especially cause I like watching things burn.

"In the crypt, you had another vision, didn't you?" We heard Xavier say as he walked over to us.

"I didn't realize we were back on speaking terms." Wednesday told him as he looked down.

He pulled a confused face when he saw me sat on the ground.

"What I'm not going to stand if Wednesday is going to make me be here for hours." I told him with a shrug.

"I showed up to your surprise party. I figured that would have been a hint." Xavier said looking up at Wednesday. "What did you see?" He asked but she didn't even glance at him.

"Who said we was ready to speak with you?" Wednesday asked glancing down at him

"Who's we?" I asked looking up at her making her slap her hand over my mouth. "That actually hurt." I said rubbing my face after I slapped it off.

She put her hand over my mouth just as I was about to say something.

"Still think I'm the monster?" Xavier asked Wednesday with a sigh.

"Haven't ruled it out." She cleared up for him removing her hand from my mouth.

"When you change your mind and you want my help, you know where to find me." He said before walking away from us.

"Wait dude I gotta ask you an important question." I said running after him as he stopped.

"What question is so important you'll risk you life for?" He asked making me glance at Wednesday.

"She can wait and she isn't that scary." I said making him chuckle. "The important question is how tall are you?" I asked making him star laughing again.

"6 foot 2." He said making my eyes go wide.

"Are you really tall or am I just small?" I asked looking up at him with wide eyes.

"How tall are you?" He asked looking down at me.

"4 foot 7." I said making him chuckle at me.

"Your the small one." He said with a nod laughing. "You should get back to Wednesday before she kills you." He said before walking away.

I quickly walked over to Wednesday still in shock.

"Did you know Xavier is 6 foot 2?" I asked Wednesday with wide eyes.

"Is that seriously what you asked him?" She asked me a bit amused.

"Well yeah I had to see if he was just tall or if we're just small." I said making her scoff a bit.

"At least I grew out of being 4 foot." She said making me gasp a bit offended.

"You rude motherfucker." I said as she walked away.

I ran after her and jumped on her back making her falter a bit. She carried on walking when she realised it was just me.

"Can we go visit Eugene today?" I asked making her look up at me. "We have nothing better to do." I told her with a shrug.

That's where we are now. In Eugene's hospital room while Wednesday began to tell him about out past birthdays.

"I haven't always been against birthdays only Friday has." She began to tell his sleeping form.

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