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Friday Pov

I walked out of the hospital door to see Wednesday waiting for me outside. I had my 2.5 litre bottle in my hand.

"So what have you put in there this time?" Wednesday asked looking down at my bottle.

"Ribena." I said making her give me that look that she gives me when she doesn't believe me. "Try it." I said passing her the bottle.

She took a sip of it and gave back to me realising I was right. I only as I saw her slightly surprised face... as we as because she didn't make a comment.

"See." I told her with a wide smirk as we started walking away.

We went to the Weathervane cafe where Tyler was working. I've just realised I've only just saw what the sign says even with the amount of times I've been inside.

"I know you're usually a quad kind of girl, but I've been working on them all week." Tyler said passing both me and Wednesday mugs as he sat in front of us.

"Birthday, yes." Wednesday said looking down at what her's says.

"Happy, never." I said looking up at him as I stirred the foam as he only put it in Wednesdays, not like I didn't min he was just trying to hard.

"Is there anyone Thing didn't tell?" Wednesday asked slightly as she looked up at him.

"Well, who do you think delivered the cake?" Tyler asked making her eyes widen a bit. "Yeah, I went with the 98% dark chocolate ganache knowing your... preferred color palette." He explained to her while I smirked. "Oh, is that, uh... that Enid's gift?" He questioned seeing it next to her.

"It's perfect if you're fleeing a war- torn country on foot." Wednesday told him as I gave him a shrug.

"Come on. Don't you like a day that's all about you....both?" Tyler asked looking between us with a long pause in between the last words.

"Every day is all about us both not just one." Wednesday clarified for him noticing the pause in his words.

"This one just comes with cake and an extremely annoyingly bad song." I added on rolling my eyes while she agreed.

"So, if I asked you out to a non-birthday, song-free dinner... would that be something you're interested in?" Tyler asked Wednesday ignoring my presence with a smirk on his face.

"I have a tight deadline." Wednesday told him glancing at me.

"Emphasis on dead." I added on before sipping on the coffee.

"Term paper?" He questioned looking down a bit as if he was hurt.

"It's about how whitewashing the sins of our past will come back to kill us all." Wednesday told him looking at the book in her hand.

"Oh." Tyler said still looking down at the table. "What a-" He began looking at me.

"You asked just a twin sister on a date and she turned you down. What is going through your brain asking her younger twin sister who was there when she was asked?" I asked making him look down at the table red and embarrassed. "Are you constipated and delusional now? Cause right now you look like a tomato." I said making him get up and leave embarrassed.

"Here." Wednesday said passing me her coffee before she got up to go to the counter.

She ordered her normal Tall, black, two sugars, to go coffees whilst I downed hers and my coffee before getting up. I still had my ribena but I didn't want to finish it just yet.

"Take this to Xavier ask him about it I'll meet you later." Wednesday said passing me a folded piece of paper as we go to the place where we get picked up and dropped off by.

"Why, where are you going?" I asked her confused as the early coach pulled up next to use.

"To talk to the Sheriff." She said making me nod before getting on the coach.

I watched as she didn't move from her spot until the couch was, I think, out of her sight. I pulled out my phone from my bag and scrolled through TikTok after hacking into someone's hotspot.

Once we pulled into the schools gates I waited until everyone was off and inside before the coach pulled away before I made my way over to Xavier's shed.

When I got there I knocked on the door I could see Xavier through the window making his way over.

"I'm surprised you knocked." He said once he opened the door to reveal me stood there.

"I do have manners." I said as I walked passed him into the shed. "Anyway I need your help." I said turning to him as he walked over after closing the door.

"What, do you want some drawing lessons?" He asked making me roll my eyes as I pulled out the piece of paper and opened it for him.

"Your line work's a little shaky." He said making me look at what Wednesday had drawn.

"This is what Wednesday drew I would show you my note book but I can't be bothered to take it out of my bag." I said making him shake his head slightly at me. "Anyway, we saw that in a vision. Do you recognise it?" I asked only for him to walk over to a covered canvas.

I walked over to him as he pulled the covers off it showing me a much, much better sketch of the gates than what Wednesday drew.

"When did you draw this?" I asked him confused as I looked over the detailing of the gates.

"Couple day ago." He answered glancing down at me before looking back at his drawing. "I started having those dreams again, like before." He added on as my eyes wandered over the drawing.

"Was the monster in them?" I asked turning to face him craning my neck up.

"No, but I could feel it in the shadows." He said looking down at me. "You know, kind of lurking in my mind." He said making me hum a bit turning back to the drawing.

"You know where this is?" I asked him whilst he looked down at me.

"Yeah it's the old Gates mansion." He answered almost immediately after the question left my mouth. "I pass it when I go running. Why?" He asked me with suspicion laced in his voice.

He cleared his throat making me look up at him with a raised eye brow.

"I swear this better not be about Wednesday if it is tell her yourself." I said as he was about to open his mouth.

"Tell me what?" Wednesday's emotionless voice, that came out of no where, questioned as she stepped into the shed.

All of a sudden Thing tapping caught both of our attention. He pulled down a sheet revealing Wednesday using her cello.

"Okay. Listen..." Xavier started out as I turned to him confused. "After the dance, I just wanted to forget about you, but I couldn't." He started to confess to Wednesday while I took step back. "I started painting and that's what came out. I can hear you up there playing." Be finished before waving his had causing the painting to come alive.

The melody of Cello Concerto in E minor by Elgar started to play from the painting as painting Wednesday began to play the cello.

"I could tell how you get lost in the music." He told her as I headed for the door of the shed. "I feel like it's the only time I get to see the real you." He said as I left the shed sighing in relief that I couldn't hear the rest of his love confession.

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