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Friday POV

Once I had left the shed I waited for Wednesday who came out a only few minutes later. To then find out that she was going to drag me to the old Gates mansion that Xavier spoke about.

This is where Garrett Gates lived. The boy my father was accused of murdering. The sheriff told me his family died, along with their legacy of hate. But ghosts don't kill the living. Goody showed me this house for a reason. I need to unlock its secrets, or die trying. Wednesday thought to herself obviously forgetting that I could hear her whether she said it out loud or in her head.

When we got to the Gates mansion I was slightly upset as it only look overgrown rather than it being covered in spray paint like most abandoned houses I've been to did.

The rattling of the door made us hide in one of the overgrown tree next to us, the leaves kind of hiding us. We watched as the Mayor walked out the house. He locked the door behind him as he rang someone, probably Sheriff Galpin, only for it to go to voicemail.

"Sheriff, pick up your damn phone, it's Noble." He said into the phone looking around probably making sure no one was there, though he didn't look around to thoroughly or he would have seen us.

I was right about him calling the Sheriff. I thought with a small grin on my face before it dropped. What did he have to tell him in person rather than over the phone? I wondered to myself confused.

I was cut out of my thoughts when Wednesday started dragging me to the boot of the mayor's car. She shoved me inside before closing it behind her once she had got in. The mayor continued to talk to Sheriff Galpins voicemail once he got in his car.

"Listen, I might have figured out who's behind all of this." The Mayor told him making me and Wednesday exchange a look. "It's a long shot. I'm gonna have to lay it out for you." The Mayor told him almost like he was dreading the news. "We'll do it over pie at the Weathervane, just like the old days. See you soon." He ended it with before he hung up.

It was dark when we got back into town, with it being dark it meant that there's no shuttle bus back to Nevermore meaning we'd have to walk. When the Mayor stopped and turned the car off I looked out the window to see we was parked on the other side of the road in front of the Weathervane. Once the Mayor got out of the car we watched as he started to cross the road once it was clear. Load screeching was heard making me cover my ears as a blue car came speeding around the corner. Wednesday pulled me out of the boot just as the car struck the Mayor.

"No!" Sheriff Galpin screamed running out of the Weathervane and over to the man that was now on the floor. "Noble!" He screamed as I quickly pulled out my phone. "Call 911!" He screeched out to everyone watching. "Get an ambulance!" He wailed as I ran over to the pair, phone up to my ear.

"An ambulance is in the way." I told him passing the phone to him so he could explain the injury's or something.

He stayed on the phone with the operator before an ambulance arrived. He passed me my phone and I walked back over to Wednesday.

"He's alive." Sheriff Galpin breathed out with a sigh of relief as he walked over to me and Wednesday."Barely." He added on. "I'll take you back after I get your statements." He said making Wednesday furrow her eyebrows ever so slightly.

"We already gave it to you deputy." Wednesday replied her confusion just about showing. "Blue Cadillac with no license plates." She added on repeating what she told the other officer.

"Yeah, I know." He told her nodding his head slightly. "I want a better one. What were you two doing in the mayor's SUV?" He asked us with a slightly raised eye brow.

"We saw him coming out of the Gates mansion." Wednesday told him truthfully after a few seconds of contemplating.

"The Gates Mansion. What the hell were you two doing there?" He asked with his confusion showing.

"House hunting." Wednesday replied whilst I stayed silent.

"We overheard the voicemail he left you." I finally spoke up getting a glance from him. "Wednesday was intrigued and shoved me into the boot." I told him snitching on Wednesday.

"Back when the mayor was sheriff, he used to have of wild theories on cases that he couldn't solve." He started to explain to us with a small sigh after a few moments. "So.... we'd dissect them over pie, sitting right back there in that booth." He said pointing over at the booth he was previously sat in. "Most of the time they went nowhere." He ended his explanation with.

"Call me old-fashioned, but when someone is run over on their way to give the police key information, it usually means they were onto something." I told him with a blank look making him know I was dead serious.

"And all signs point to the Gates family and that house." Wednesday added before deciding to add a pause. "The Gates family." She ended the conversation with.

"How? They're all dead. Every last one of them." He told us confused at Wednesday's statement. "And I don't believe in ghosts." He added as I opened my mouth.

"Maybe you should." Wednesday told him as we were led to the back of his car.

"How do you two end up at the center of every terrible thing that happens here?" Principal Weems asked once we was in her office back at Nevermore.

"Wednesday drags me into it." I snitched on her pointing to my right where she was stood.

"Incredible luck." Wednesday said at the same time as me glaring at me in a glance.

"As of now, the school is on full lockdown, and both of your off-campus privileges are revoked until further notice." Principal Weems said making me gasp at her in shock.

"You can't keep me in here, Wednesday would kill me. The town is my only escape from her." I told her with my mouth agape at what she said. "Also what will you do about Wednesday's therapy sessions?" I asked her as she shooed Wednesday out of her office.

"I will give you this key to my the library behind that cupboard." She said pointing to the cupboard on the left side of her.

I took it from her hand with a small smile on my face as I didn't need to get any more books for a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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