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Friday Pov

We found the ruins and let's just say Friday was a bit let down.

"I was expecting more too." Wednesday said as we walked in.

"Me too." I said with a nod.

"Who you talking to, little girls?" A man asked making us snap our heads in his direction.

"Use 'little' and 'girl' to address us again and we can't guarantee your safety." We told him at the same time.

"This is my place. Get out!" He shouted at us making me raise an eye brow.

"Thing, a hand here?" Wednesday asked before he crawled out of her bag.

He scared the man away as we looked around the place.

"No, we can't just touch something." Wednesday told Thing as he signed something. "Our visions seem to happen spontaneously." She added on as I looked around. "I would rather dye my hair pink than ask our mother for advice." Wednesday said but he signed something.

"Oh, you want us to prove it to you?" I asked him with a raised eye brow.

I put both hands on one of the walls with a sigh.

"No." I said before going to another place. "Nothing." I told him rolling my eyes. "Ah, I bet this will give us some real insight." I said with a sigh as we walked towards the doors. "My visions are about as predictable as shark attacks." I said as I pushed the door open just to have a vision.

I saw the blonde girl from the other visions in the middle of a circle. I just realised how much she looked like Wednesday with blonde hair and emotions.

The people surrounding her kept yelling things like 'Witch' or 'Burn her' and even 'devil spawn'. One called out 'beast' and another shouted 'Repent' some even called out 'Begone'.

"Stand aside!" A man called pushing through the circle. "Goody Addams!" He shouted at her.

"That's why she looks like Wednesday." I told myself with a nod.

"You have been judged before God and found guilty." The man told her. "You are a witch, a sorceress, Lucifer's mistress herself." He said making me sigh. "For your sins, you will burn this night, and suffer the flames of eternal hellfire." He said as the crowd cheered.

"I am innocent." Goody told him. "It is you, Joseph Crackstone, that should be tried." She said making me nod. "We were here before you, living in harmony with nature and the native folk. But you have stolen our land. You have slaughtered the innocent. You have robbed us of our peaceful spirit. You are the true monster. All of you!" She shouted before slicing Joseph's cheek with something.

"All Joseph needs is Mary then it's the bloody bible" I said to myself rolling my eyes.

"Punish her!" One of the villages screamed.

"The Devil ne'er sent such a demon." Joseph said grabbing her.

He pulled her over to the meeting house and shoved her inside. I followed them inside as it's not like he can see me.

"And I will send you back!" He shouted at her.

"No!" She screamed out as the doors was shut.

"You are abominations in the Devil's grip! I will not stop till I have expunged this New World of every outcast. Godless creatures!" He shouted out to them who was in the house. "Set it ablaze!" He yelled out as Goody stood up.

"Mother!" She called out looking around. "Mother." She said finding her.

She grabbed at the chains pulling on them trying to break them.

"There's no time, child." Her mother said. "Leave me. Save yourself. He's chained us all to the floor." She said as me and Goody looked around.

The maniac did indeed have them all chained to the floor. I, for obvious reasons, wasn't and Goody because she was just thrown in here.

"I shan't leave without you." Goody told her mother.

"Run. Avenge us. Find the others and save our future." Her mother told her coughing. "Please. My sweet lamb. Run. Run as fast as you can. You are our only hope." Her mother begged as I coughed.

Goody ran through the people to the back. She went through a trap door where she obviously survived.

All of a sudden I'm somewhere else. I saw Goody coming towards me.

"He won't stop until he's killed us all!" She said before looking behind me. "He's here." She said as he came out of nowhere while she disappeared into thin air.

"There will be no escape for you." He said as I fell back.

I sat up with a gasp to see Wednesday next to me. I saw her relieved face when I sat up.

"Wednesday, I saw her!" I told her as it rained and thundered. "The girl from our visions. Her name is Goody Addams, and I believe she's our ancestor from 400 years ago." I said as she helped me up.

"Must've been the bearded man from earlier." Wednesday said as we heard a noise as we walked towards the doors again.

Then all of a sudden the thing that killed Rowan looked through a gap a making me gasp as it snarled at us.

"Come on! Come on!" Wednesday said grabbing her bag, Thing and my arm.

We followed after whatever it was but it disappeared into thin air like Goody.

"The monsters human." I said making Wednesday look at me.

I pointed to the tracks before I turned around.

"What the hell are you doing?" Xavier asked making Wednesday stand up properly.

"We was following the monster." I said with a shrug.

"You saw it? It's here?" He asked looking around. "Do you two have a death wish or something?" He asked making me nod.

"I do." I said making him sigh.

"What are you doing here?" Wednesday asked him as I sighed.

"I overheard you say you were checking out the old meeting house." He said making me scoff. "It's lucky I showed up when I did." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"We did learn one thing." Me and Wednesday said at the same time. "The monster is human. Its tracks turned from monster prints to human ones." We told him as I shrugged.

"Show me." He said making us turn around.

"The rain washed them all away." We said as they weren't there.

"We know what we saw." We said at the same time.

"I'm trying to keep an open mind." Xavier said making me roll my eyes.

"How big of you." I told him sarcastically.

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