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Friday Pov

"Here's the deal. I'm going to fix your coffee machine, then you're going to make my coffee and call a taxi." Wednesday told him making him laugh.

"Uh, no taxis in Jericho." He said making me roll my eyes. "Try Uber?" He suggested with a shrug.

"I don't have a phone. I refuse to be a slave to technology." She told him making him look at me. "She doesn't call people. She doesn't like conversations." She added on making him nod.

"Then you're out of luck." He said making me sigh. "Where you going anyway?" He asked making me roll my eyes.

"That's on a need-to-know basis. What about trains?" She asked turning to him.

"Nearest station is Burlington. It's half an hour away." He told us as I put the instructions down.

"You have a valve issue. I've seen it
before." Wednesday told him making him look at her.

"Where? You have one of these monsters at home?" He asked her surprised.

"Steam-powered guillotine." I said making him look at me. "She built me one when we was ten." I said opening a lollipop.

"She wanted to decapitate her dolls more efficiently." Wednesday told him making look at her.

"Sure." He said with a nod. "Grim Reaper Barbie, makes perfect sense." He said as she continued to fix the issue.

"Wow. Thanks." He said once Wednesday had finished fixing the espresso machine. "I never met a Nevermore kid who got their hands dirty." He said as I put all my rubbish in the bin behind me.

"Friday no more." Wednesday said as I opened another one.

"I'm Tyler, by the way." The boy introduced making me nod. "I didn't catch your name, or is that on a need-to-know basis too?" He asked us.

"Wednesday." Wednesday said introduced herself. "Friday." She said pointing at me.

"Tell you what, Wednesday, Friday." He started looking at us. "To show my appreciation, how about I drive you to Burlington?" He suggested making us leave the counter.

"Perfect. Put that quad in a to-go cup." Wednesday said grabbing my arm.

"Uh, but I don't get off for another hour." He told us making Wednesday turn around.

"I'll sweeten the pot." Wednesday said pulling out a twenty dollars note. "Twenty whole dollars." She told him holding it up.

"Tempting, but no." Tyler said making me sigh.

"I'll make it 40." Wednesday said pulling out another twenty dollars.

"Or 60 with some lollipops?" I suggested making him laugh.

"Uh... Listen, Wednesday, Friday, one fun fact about me... I can't be bought, so either wait, or find someone else to drive you." He said making me scoff.

"You should be grateful she offered you lollipops. She only offers to give me and our young brother some." Wednesday said as I put them back in my pocket.

"I'll take that." I said taking her 40 dollars. "You owe me." I said making her look at me.

"I gave it back." She said making me think.

"Right." I said with a nod. "I'm keeping it though." I said putting it in my pocket.

We walked away and sat at a table near the door. I pulled out another lollipop just for someone to snatch it out my hand.

"Hey." I said turning around to see a few boys.

"What's two Nevermore freaks doing out in the wild?" One of then asked as I looked them up and down.

"This is our booth." Another one said making me scoff.

"Why are you dressed like religious fanatics?" I asked making them look at me.

"We're pilgrims." One said making me raise an eyebrow.

"Potato, po-tah-to." Wednesday said making them look at her.

"We work at Pilgrim World." The dark skin boy said.

"It takes a special kind of stupid to devote an entire theme park to zealots responsible for mass genocide." Me and Wednesday said at the same time.

"My dad owns Pilgrim World." He said making me shrug. "Who you calling stupid?" He asked making raise and eye brow.

"If the buckled shoe fit." Wednesday said as I looked around.

"Who else are we talking to?" I asked with a raised eye brow.

"Guys, back off." Tyler said coming over.

"Stay out of this, Galpin." One of the boys said.

"Yes, stay out of this." Me and Wednesday said standing up.

"So tell me, freaks... you ever been with a normie?" The dark skin boy asked looking between us.

"We've never found one that could handle us." I said making him look at me. "Boo!" I said making him jump back.

"Hey!" One of them said grabbing my shoulder.

I grabbed his arm and twisted it before kneeling him in the groin then let him go. I stepped back while Wednesday grabbed the same boys arm making him punch his friend in the nose. I heard it crack making me raise an eye brow. I threw the coloured one into his friend and they both fell down. Wednesday used a spinning air kick.

"So where'd you learn those kung fu moves?" Tyler asked as I took my lollipop back and some of there money.

"Our uncle taught us. He spent five years in a Tibetan Monastery." Wednesday said pulling me up.

"Was he a monk?" He asked looking at the boys on the floor.

"Prisoner." We said as the door opened.

"Dad!" Tyler said as we turned around to see a cop.

"Tyler, the hell's going on in here?" He asked looking around.

"They were harassing a customer, and they put them in their place." He explained gesturing to us.

I opened my lollipop making Wednesday look at me.

"I thought I said no more." She said making me shrug.

"Then little things took down three boys?" He asked looking at us. "Did you help her?" He asked his son.

"Dad, I swear, I wasn't involved." Tyler immediately denied it.

"Apologies, Sheriff." Principle Weems said coming into the cafe.

"We can still make a run for it." I told Wednesday making her smirk a bit.

"These two slipped away from me." Principle Weems said making me roll my eyes.

"Come on, Miss Addams 1 and Miss Addams 2, time to go." Principle Weems said making me scoff.

"Wait a minute, hang on." The Sheriff said making me sigh. "You're both Addams?" He asked making me look at him. "Don't tell me Gomez Addams is your father?" He said making me raise an eye brow.

"Yeah like our Sister Rosa who works for you." I said with a smirk. "What has our dear old father done?" I asked him with a smirk.

"That man belongs behind bars for murder." He said making my smirk drop.

"So do we but here we are." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Guessin' the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." He said looking at us. "I'm gonna keep my eye on you." He added on as me and Wednesday smirked.

"I'll make sure if I murder someone to call you yeah?" I asked him with a laugh.

"Okay." Principle Weems said as I smirked.

Wednesday grabbed my arm and pulled me out as I smirked at the Sheriff.

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