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Friday Pov

"Interesting choice of date." I told Enid looking at the Pilgrim World boy.

"It's not what it looks like." Enid immediately told me. "Lucas is trying to make his ex jealous. I'm trying to make Ajax jealous. It's a win-win." She explained with a shrug.

We all decided to split up so I sat down at a table with Bianca and Xavier. They were talking about Wednesday but I made sure I wasn't listening.

"Yo! Almost eleven o'clockity, so haul it out on the dance floor one last time before the Rave'N says 'Nevermore'!" The dj shouted out putting a song on.

I looked up and saw Wednesday with Tyler walking towards the dance floor.

"I've got to record this." I said getting up once Wednesday was on the dance floor.

"Why?" Bianca asked getting up as well.

"Wednesday hates like dancing. Also I feel bad for Eugene as we was planning to do something with him but you know." I said gesturing to the dance. "I'm going to record for him." I told her with a smirk.

I pulled out my phone and started recording Wednesday on the dance floor. I was on Xavier's shoulders as I couldn't see over the crowd. I recorded her dancing till she stopped when something started dripping on Tyler's should. I told Xavier put me down just as the sprinklers came on but it wasn't water. I met up with Wednesday still recording on my phone as red came out of the sprinklers. We started smirking a bit till it dropped after licking our index fingers.

"They couldn't even spring for real pigs' blood." I said with a scoff. "It's only paint." I added on as we watched everyone run around screaming.

I recorded Principle Weems reaction to it as it was quite funny. The only thing I've seen her do is smile all the time. It was pretty funny watching everyone running away. I bumped into someone and my head threw back. I gasped as flashes of images went through my head.

Me and Wednesday looked at each other. We knew we saw the same thing as each other without having to say anything.

"Wednesday, Friday you two OK?" Ms Thornhill asked us both coming over..

"Eugene is in the woods. He's in danger." We told her at the same time.

All three of us ran out towards the woods. My phone was in my hand still recording as I forgot to turn it off.

"Eugene!" Wednesday screamed as we ran with Ms Thornhill far behind us.

"Eugene!" I shouted looking around.

We heard a growl making us stop for a second.

"Eugene?" We said at the same time.

"Wednesday! Friday! Over here!" We heard him scream in the distance.

"Eugene?" I asked looking around as we started to run again.

"Eugene." Wednesday said pulling me with her..

We crouched down to see he had been attacked. I put my phone down as Ms Thornhill came running over.

"Oh my God." She said with a gasp. "Is he alive?" She asked looking at us both.

"Just about enough." I said making Wednesday elbow me. "She asked." I said with a shrug.

I looked over at Ms Thornhill to see she was on her phone.

"If she would use her brain to call an ambulance with the phone in her hand it would be great or else he won't be alive." I said before she dialled a number.

The Sheriff arrived behind an ambulance and took in our appearances.

"I was forced to go to the Rave'N and someone put red paint in the sprinklers." I told him picking up my phone. "Wednesday went with your son." I said pointing at Wednesday. "He'll be covered in paint too." I said while Wednesday glared at me as Sheriff Galpin glared at her.

"Do you know who it was with the sprinklers?" He asked us with a sigh.

"The Mayor's son and his mates. They still think Nevermore burnt the statue." I said making him sigh.

"Any proof?" He asked making me go through the video.

I showed him the small part I saw of then running away making him nod.

"You two go back to school and inform Principle Weems." Ms Thornhill said getting into the ambulance.

"I'll take you." Sheriff Galpin said with a sigh.

He put towels down on the seats and told us not to touch anything else. We got out of his car and everyone was gathered outside.

"Eugene was attacked he's in hospital." I spoke up making Principle Weems come over. "Ms Thornhill has gone with him." I added on making her nod.

"We got there staments in the car we also know who recked your night. They'll be dealt with but I need to talk to you." Sheriff Galpin told Principle Weems.

"All of you inside have showers and get into bed." Principle Weems said looking at us all.

The girls went to the girls shower rooms and we all got into the cubicles. I washed my hair then made sure all of the paint was off my body. After it was all off me I turned the shower off. I got changed after squeezing the water out my hair. I left the cubicle and waited outside. Wednesday came out a few minutes later.

Me and Wednesday went up to my room with our dresses in bags. We put them in my closet and got into my bed after I told Enid that Wednesday was with me.

"I thought your dancing was cool." I said making her face me.

"Did you?" Sbe asked making me nod with a smile.

"You never dance and it was unexpected but it was surprising." I said before she pulled me into a hug.

We fell asleep with me in her arms with the covers over her.

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