Chapter 37

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Kenzie went into labour that night while Oasis were playing at the Masquerade. She rang from the hotel room and told me she was having Braxton Hicks but they just never ended. She wasn't due for another month but her contractions kept coming, by the next morning she was taken into the nearest hospital.

I stayed up all night and went to hospital with her again while the band slept. A few hours later she was sent home because she wasn't far along enough for them to do anything.

February 20th. After a very long labour (about thirty odd hours) number two was born, a beautiful baby girl.

As soon as Tony got to the hospital I headed back to the hotel. I was stopped by a reporter as soon as I got outside.

"Hey! You're that girl with Oasis, aren't you?"

"No, no. I wish, that'd be cool, wouldn't it?" I lied, failing to put on a cheery American accent like his.

"Oh come on, work with me." he said, seeing through the lie. "Tony McCarroll, the drummer, is in the hospital, isn't he?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. They'll be back at the hotel, recovering from last night." I shrugged.

"Has his girl had the baby? Is that why you're here?"

"No, nothing like that."

"Why were you in the hospital then?"

I searched for a lie that wouldn't put any attention on me. "I don't know how the health service works over here. I went to ask about insurance and all that. I'm going now, I'm not in the band, I'm just their friend. There's no need to interview me."

I walked off, quick. I missed having the BMW to just drive away whenever I wanted. I missed just being in England.


"She had it?" Guigsy asked.

He was sat on a couch in the hotel, having a fag.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"What's it look like? It got a name?"

"What d'you mean, "what's it look like?", she looks like a baby." I rolled my eyes.

"Does she look like me?" he took a drag of his cigarette as though he was a suave, ladies' man figure.

"Fuck off, Guigs'. We're not doing this again." I wanted to go sulk on my own and rest for a while.

He grabbed my hand and got me to sit next to him. "C'mon, talk to me. It was just a joke. I wouldn't do that to Tone."

"Ha, ha."

"What's got your knickers in a twist?"


"We're mates, aren't we? You're always with Noel or Liam. When was the last time we sat and talked as mates?"

I couldn't remember. I was meant to be the rest of the band's mate but I hardly ever spent time with any of them. "Sorry." I told him about the reporter.

"What a dick?! Whoever he's reporting for isn't going to give a shit about Kenzie's baby, what's the fucking point of him hassling you lot?"

I was glad he was as mad as I was, even if he was just sympathising with me.

"They love creating as much shit as possible about yous, don't they?" I shrugged. "The more people that know Oasis' name, the better, right?"

"Are we ever going to get you to ditch the scouse accent, we brought you to America for God's sake." he smirked.

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