Chapter 83

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I was relieved to have gotten through the pregnancy scare, now it was just another secret someone was keeping for me. I hadn't seen Liam since the wedding, I assumed they were on their honeymoon until Patsy came over to Supernova Heights.

She was looking really upset the moment she was in the door, she was almost in tears. Fuck knows why she'd turn to either of us, neither of us liked her or accepted her into our family.

"What's up, love?" Noel asked, he'd answered the door and let her in.

"He's cheating on me." she blurted as he got her into the living room.

I turned my attention away from the TV and gave her a quick look. Somehow I stayed calm, if she knew what I'd made Liam do on their wedding day I was in serious shit.

"Sit down." he instructed and she did. "What's given you that idea?"

He passed her a can of beer he'd left on the table for himself but she refused it. She wouldn't have turned it down if it was some posh wine.

"Fine, it's there if you want it, alright?" he shrugged as he sat back down next to me and held my hand.

"Why would Liam cheat?" I asked keeping my eyes on the TV, I'd only spoke to sound oblivious to it, I couldn't look at her. "He's literally just married you."

She sighed and reluctantly spoke. "He keeps disappearing, he's who know's where right now and I found some underwear... someone else's knickers."

"Maybe they're a present." Noel suggested, taking his brother's side.

"They've been worn." Her tears started to roll but I wasn't going to be the one to comfort her.

They were likely my knickers. They had to be mine. Liam took them at the wedding and I never got them back, unless he really did have someone else on the go.

"Someone probably just left them, after we've had people over there's always, always knickers left behind." I reasoned. "Doesn't mean it's got anything to do with Noel or in this case Liam."

"You sure they're not yours?" Noel asked her, thinking she was being daft.

I wanted to elbow him in the ribs and point out she wouldn't be here like this if they were hers but I stayed quiet. I wished I'd been anywhere else or Jimmyi would wake up from his nap, anything to get out of this.

"They're not! He's cheating on me! Why are you two defending him?" She asked angrily, hysterically.

"He's my little brother, it's my job." he shrugged, it was simple fact regardless of their reputation for "Wibbling Rivalry".

I remembered the pact to protect Tony from the fact that Liam had slept with Kenzie and wondered if the same thing was happening here. Plus Noel couldn't care less about her but he cared about his brother and tried to preserve him.

"And we don't believe he would. He wouldn't get engaged, go all the way to getting married and then cheat, he just wouldn't." I added.

"How do I know you're not defending him cos it's you? That's how you two got so close, isn't it?" she questioned accusingly.

I was suddenly on very, very thin ice. She knew, she had to know what I'd done to be aiming her accusation so closely at me.

"Woah, don't go pointing fingers at my girlfriend just cos you're angry." Noel objected. "Have you even friggin' spoken to him?"

I was so relieved he stuck up for me. "We got so close by talking, something yous never do."

"No, he'd just lie if I did." she said, ignoring my comment.

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