Chapter 43

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After confirming the pregnancy at the doctors in London I was left worried about the damage I could have caused by drinking and using drugs. They predicted I was about eight to ten weeks along (I wouldn't let them test me to be more accurate), due on the 9th January.

We spent about a week at Noel's house. He wanted me to move back in there but I still couldn't stand the idea of being so far away from everyone even if it meant being away from him.

We tackled telling my family first, since their house was on the way to Manchester. I felt so bad that Noel had only met them a few times before. Last time I had this news they were obviously disappointed and upset, I had no idea how they'd be this time.

We drove to my childhood home and hung out with my parents for a while, I tried to hide the big news until I could read their moods and I thought they wouldn't be angry.

"Do you two want to stay for dinner?" mum asked. "I'm doing a fry up."

"Yes, please." Noel said and rubbed his hands together in anticipation.

"Er, I don't think I'm allowed to eat bacon or eggs. Can I have something else?" I remembered the leaflets the doctor gave us.

"Of course you can, what do you fancy?" she asked. "What's the matter? Are you pregnant or something?" she questioned jokingly.

"I am."

Mum walked away announcing she had to get dinner started.

"Tell me this is a joke?" Dad reacted like Guigsy but with a much harsher tone. "Did you plan this one? We don't know him, at all." He directed it entirely to me as though he could block Noel out.

"No joke. Yeah, we planned it. I'm not a reckless person just cos I'm a rockstar." Noel spoke up.

"Will you be putting a stop to your cocaine habit?"

My dad read the newspapers a lot and not any that portrayed Oasis in a good light.

"Look... The press have exaggerated everything we've ever done, it's not like you've read and I've stopped yeah." I didn't like him having to lie to my Dad.

"Then congratulations are in order but remember I'm trusting you to look after my daughter and now my grandchild, if you let them down I will hunt you down." he threatened passive aggressively with a polite tone.

I was glad they had no idea about the times we'd split up and how bad of a girlfriend I'd been to him but if they did they might understand we're in it for the long run.

Noel nodded and stood up. "I think I'll see if your Mam wants any help." he'd rather cook than stay around my Dad.

"He's not exactly used to father figures." I commented, trying to explain Noel without having to talk about his past. "You're not mad at us, are you?"

"No I'm not mad at you at all. It's just that you're all grown up, making adult decisions, getting into a serious relationship with a man we just don't know."

"I'm sorry, they tour so much that we don't get the time for family visits..."

"But you've got time to raise a baby?" he interrupted my attempt to make excuses.

"Yes, I know I'll have to stop touring and living their life. I know all that but we're ready for this." I told him firmly.

Mum and Noel made dinner, it turned out I couldn't stomach being in the same room as the fry ups so I didn't eat anything. Instead I watched TV in the livingroom. I heard them explain our news to Billy while they ate. He chose not to say a word to me.

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